Tag Archives: decisions


A leaf bug has decided to board with us for the winter. I noticed him at first before leaving for break, hanging out on our dish drying rack. Today, I found him again in the shower.

First, yes, I know that it is extremely likely that these are two entirely different leaf bugs. But what harm is there in pretending that it’s just the one?

Anyway, I presume his lingering on dishes and in the shower is for the available water source. Today, though, he appeared to have been caught in there while someone else was in the shower, and was quite waterlogged. I brushed him with a toilet paper square to soak up some of the excess water (enough so that he could pull his antennae apart, at least. They were stuck together) and he scuttled along the rim of the bath.

Part of me was concerned that I should move him out of the bathroom, for fear that one of my roommates may not be so keen on having a bug in the house for the winter. But, I decided that he probably knew what he was doing, and didn’t want to disrupt his access to a water source.

Winter is always tough for me, because my typical method for finding bugs in the house is to catch them and put them outside. But during the cold cold winter, I of course can’t do this! What am I supposed to do with these bugs? Usually I just let them be, but I don’t want my roommates to stomp them, so where can I hide them for the winter months?

Maybe I should start a bug terrarium in the basement.

A Poll

Internets, I need your help! I require input for decision-making.

Do I…

1) Go to Gamestop tonight to pick up my pre-ordered copy of WotLK and see all the fun costumed people and bask in the camaraderie of nerd-ism and have fun and a party.


2) Go to freakin bed and pick up WotLK tomorrow because I’m tired as hell and I won’t install it tonight anyway.


Edit: After handing over my decision to the coin of fate, I went along. It was quite well organized and they gave us free pizza! No one dressed up in crazy costumes though. I still haven’t installed it, as I went to bed immediately upon my return.

Where to go?

Since I have a grown-up job right now, I get vacation time! I’m looking ahead a few months and trying to figure out how I want to use it. I want to spend time visiting places and seeing friends, but financially I am limited to probably just one visit. But where!

I want to visit Squirt and D Flo in Chicago
I want to visit Steph and Strother in California
I want to visit Wheeler, Marji, and Hanna in Atlanta
I want to visit Carleton, Matt, and Ian in New York

As of yet I do not have a clear idea for how to make this decision, and this is assuming said people would be up for receiving visitors (which many of them have already told me they would be). I am thinking of a few strategies…

1) Roll the 4-sided die of fate

2) Ask people who would like me to visit to write an essay, no more than 1 page double spaced, describing the reasons why their particular location is the best to visit, and decide based on that.

3) Cage match

4) Sit down and figure out what is financially feasible and who I have visited in the past and not visited yet and who I’ll be seeing over the holidays, etc. etc. Basically treating it like an actual decision that is worthy of thought.

I’m leanin towards…maybe #3?

Frickin decisions

I have a dilemma.

I’m almost certain I’ve brought this up several times in several different places, but it has come down to crunch time. I have to pick a focus for my art major.

Up until now, I’d been leaning almost 100% towards glass. The reasoning, since I listed out everything I could and realized I love glass and painting EXACTLY the same, was because Nick and Augustine (my fellow art majors) are doing painting, so I figured I’d throw in some variety. However, I talked to Sheldon about it, and a number of issues have brought themselves up.

1. Steve is going on sabbatical in the fall term. Now, I could still do an independent study, and I’m sure Bohack could still help me, but Sheldon was concerned that I wouldn’t get the proper critique I needed to develop work for my show. This is indeed a serious concern, for while my glass is improving, it’s nowhere near where I’d like it to be and I have a long way to go.

2. I explained to Sheldon that another reason I was leaning towards glass was that I felt it was an easier outlet for my cartoony nature than painting. My oil paintings always seem to turn out darker and more serious, and I think I want to do something lighter for my show. However, Sheldon then said, “Well, you have a solid enough foundation in painting that if you’d like to pursue a more humorous route, we could arrange that. I mean, you could bring in a portfolio of your outside work and we could look over it and set something up, I’ve seen your website and the comics you do for The Cento, but I’m sure you have other things.” Basically, that’s Sheldon-speak for “you can do cartoons for your senior show if you want to.” My response..


This changes EVERYTHING. I’d dismissed the possibility of doing my more illustrative stuff for my senior show in the very beginning, because I didn’t think it’d be appropriate, or thought Sheldon would dismiss the idea. This opens up a whoooooooole new realm of possibilities.

So this swings me right back to dead center regarding the choice between glass and painting. Now, let it be known, that this is not an issue of doing both. A lot of people have noted that “it’s not fair” that I have to pick, or say “why can’t you do mixed media?” That’s not an issue at all. Even if I *had* the option of doing both, I would NOT do it, because…simply enough…I would die. Explode even.

It’s a troubling decision for me. All my glass buddies want me to do glass, and Emil hovers over me when I’m not looking to say I should do painting. I’m hesitant to ask advice from acquaintances, because glass is usually the default answer (because it’s cool). If I had some idea of what I was going to be doing with my art in the future, it could help me decide, but as of yet I have no idea.

I suppose, all in all, it’s a better situation to be in than others. I mean, I love them both, so no matter which I choose, I will be happy doing it. I will just miss not being able to do the other one. This is the first term I haven’t been able to take both glass and painting, and while I miss painting terribly. I know that if the roles were reversed, I would be dying to get into the hot shop. I’m getting no gut feeling about which of these is the better choice, but this matter is too big to let the Coin of Fate decide. Graaaaaaaaaaah!!!

…on a less important, more aesthetic note, I also have to decide whether I want to get a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. Sheldon says to pick whichever looks best behind my name, and Dr. Shannon recommends I pick the one corresponding to my preferred color for the hoods. It’s nice to have a less pressing decision to make in addition to the bigger one. What do you think?

Regarding the bigger decision, I just don’t know. I keep hoping I will talk to someone and they will give me the perfect advice, and I’ll be able to decide without hesitation. Maybe I’ll go talk to Judith.

To sell, or not to sell…

I posted this around on some boards, but I figured I’d ask opinions here as well.

In preparation for the upcoming term, in which I’ll be needing to scrounge money as best I can, and I humored the idea of perhaps selling some art online.

I checked around here and there. On ebay, glass art seems to go pretty well, but i’m still unsure about the whole thing. What do you guys think? Should I try an auction and see how it goes? Are there other auction sites I should look into? Any advice from people who already sell art online?

There is a student art show here, which I can probably make a bit of cash from, and I’m going to a convention this summer where my glass sold pretty well last year (but I’m going to be needing money before then).

Thoughts? Comments? Ideas?

Oy! Decisions

I hate it when things get so busy that you *have* to sacrifice one responsibility for another. It’s unpleasant, and is similar to having to choose which kitten you let plummet to its doom, since you can’t hold onto all of them as you struggle to drag them back up the cliff.

The predicament: my comp sci lab, I have to finish it. Options for the sacrifice…

1) Just don’t do it.
–theoretically, I could just turn in my lab unfinished and move on with my life. But, I’ve already missed a second lab which Dr. Shannon has graciously let me make up on my own, I shouldn’t take that for granted.

2) Bail on Jeff
–the big reason I can’t finish the lab is because I have to rush over to the theatre right after class and help hang and focus lights. No way I can bail, judging from last night’s run through, we have oodles to change and fix, and cue-to-cue is at 6. We’ll be working like ants, and I can’t leave Jeff hangin.

3) Painting
–this would be the easiest thing to do, just slip out of painting an hour early. It’s tempting, but my need to work on this current project and my devotion to Sheldon keeps me from doing it.

4) Lunch
–this is starting to look like the best option. That’s strange, too, because normally I’m the first person to give up higher responsibilites to satisfy a need on the base of Maslow’s triangle. However, it might have to be done, and that would not be pleasant.

5) Bail on weekly glass studio cleaning
–and face the wrath of DH and Ken? No way

Stay tuned for updates

Have you ever had to make up your mind?

I have a big decision to make, so let’s make it.

The situation:
I am currently listed as an art major and computer science minor. My plans up to this point have been to go on and double major in both, since I can get in the comp sci classes okay. Well, I could’ve, until Dr. Bitensky decided to try and put together a winter term trip to Morocco…

The decision
Do I go ahead and get my comp sci major, or do i settle for a minor and study abroad in Morocco for the short winter term next year?

The gut responses
-mmm…but a comp sci major would help for my future career
-I might be going to Germany next year, would that be too much abroad time?
-would I disappoint my parents or would they be all for me adventuring off?

The cold hard facts
-Bitensky needs at least 25 students to express interest in the trip before he can get it okayed
-the trip will cost me $2800
-I’ve already been abroad once in my college career so far
-I will have no trouble finishing my art major, it’s practically finished already, but I need to take comp sci every term from here on out to get a major.
-missing the winter term next year would not affect my ability to get my comp sci minor

The pluses and minuses
-It’s Morocco. How many other times in my life am I going to get to go to Morocco?
-I would be missing my major by like one class. Having two majors definately would’ve been an advantage

Other possibilities
-this may not even be an issue, he could not get enough interest and the trip could never happen
-hey, there’s always that 5th year senior option ^_^
-maybe I could talk to my professors and arrange something where I could pull both off!

Current Actions
-I need to talk to my parents about this, i’ve already emailed my brother to ask his opinion.
-I need to talk to my comp sci professor, because those will be the missed classes concerned
-I’ll talk to Sheldon, because Sheldon can fix anything (yay Sheldon!)
-I’ll ask for input, from YOU GUYS!!

The decision is looking in favor of Morocco, but that may be because I’m still experiencing some residual excitement and day dreaming about the idea. So, what say you?