A Poll

Internets, I need your help! I require input for decision-making.

Do I…

1) Go to Gamestop tonight to pick up my pre-ordered copy of WotLK and see all the fun costumed people and bask in the camaraderie of nerd-ism and have fun and a party.


2) Go to freakin bed and pick up WotLK tomorrow because I’m tired as hell and I won’t install it tonight anyway.


Edit: After handing over my decision to the coin of fate, I went along. It was quite well organized and they gave us free pizza! No one dressed up in crazy costumes though. I still haven’t installed it, as I went to bed immediately upon my return.

7 thoughts on “A Poll”

  1. if you aren’t going to install and play it tonight, then just go to bed…i probably won’t be able to get and/or install, much less play, my copy until friday or even saturday…….alas!

  2. 4) Cancel your WOW account and put the $30/month into a Roth IRA. You’ll be a millionaire by the time you’re 92!

      1. Ah, but do you put $30 a month into it? And if so, you could cancel your WOW account and put in a total of $60 a month! And if you can give up eating, you could put in even more! Why? Cuz Dave Ramsey says so!

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