Tag Archives: art

Artsy stuff

Thanks for the replies on my last post everybody, there were many an insightful theory presented.

In other news, my sudden gain in free time has unleashed the floodgates as far as artistic inspiration. One of my current projects is an oil painting of my betta, it’s going along really well. I’ve been taking advantage of the good help available on the Yerf critique forums while working on it.

I posted some process images in my DevArt Scrapbook…


Ben Folds

I’m not ready for crunch time yet!

Saw Ben Folds last night, and I am happy to add yet another cool person to the Order of People who Constantly Have to Push their Glasses Up on their Nose. *pushes her glasses up on her nose*

The show was fricken awesome, and it was a nice break. Plus, I got the lightboxes in for my show yesterday. Technically, I could dawdle about and work on my pieces here and there, because the show doesn’t go up until Tuesday, but my goal is to get everything completed today.

Plus, I still have to think of titles for my pieces! I’m a horrible title-thinker-upper. I had to force myself to come up with 2, because I talked about them in my artist’s statement which was due on Thursday. Someone think of titles for these two, maybe they will inspire me to think of titles for the other 11 pieces:



Grind Grind Grind

Sorry for the weepy interlude, things really aren’t that bad. I’ve put off ever single task I need to accomplish in order to work on finishing my show, and as such I’ve been at the studio most of the day, taking a short break now to rest my arms (by doing what? Typing! Good call, Lisa)

I keep hoping that if I work late enough, a mysterious elf-like creature will appear and offer to magically grind and polish all of my pieces in exchange for my first-born child.

(then of course I would trick him by adopting all my children! HAHAHAHA!)

No luck yet. Oh well, back to the grind. You’ll know where to find me..

Day Off

In spite of the mountains of work I have to do, I decided to come home for the weekend, and am very glad I did. I probably would not have gotten any work done at school anyway, most likely would have just moped about. Coming home was instantly refreshing.

This afternoon I joined Dave, Ken, and Brad at the Cherokee Triangle Art Fair, which was similar to the St. James Art fair except more pleasant weather and less people. We actually spent most of the beginning of the afternoon resting on Brad and Evan’s porch and people-watching. The art stuffs being sold were pretty varied, as the wares in these sorts of events usually are, but it was a pleasant day to be out walking. I also got to see Evan, but only briefly as I was on my way out and he on his way in.

I then spent the evening visiting Brendan and Maria. They introduced me to WarioWare, which seems to be a game invented specifically for people with ADD, but man is it fun. (note that site doesn’t have any actual game info on it…or maybe it does, it’s just hidden in those secret doors). We also dug out my old tape of Captain Power episodes, which was fun and nostalgic, but slightly lacking seeing as we didn’t have any of the toys. It was okay, though, we shot the screen with finger guns and made the little shooting noise.

Seeing my friends and being home was incredibly refreshing, and I only hope that doesn’t immediately drain out of me upon returning to school. Soooo much work to do, so little time. I guess that’s always true, though.

Happy Easter

Whew! That was hard, but here I am again, safe in the folds of LJ. Well, what’s been new.

Well, several people had the NERVE to get new journals while I was away ^_^ Anyway, I’ll have fun catching up on , , and .

We had our group critiques for the senior art majors in early March, which helped me get on my way with my pieces. I like how they’re turning out, but I have to grind and cold work them a lot, which will take up the bulk of my time. This week will actually be the last week in the hot shop for me, as I devote the rest of the time between then and my show grinding and polishing, grinding and polishing, grinding and polishing x_x Here are some previews..


Let’s see let’s see, anything else? Well, I’m sure I’ll think of things later. Hope everyone has been well! Time to catch up on journals.
School has been busy, but over Spring Break I flew up to Connecticut to see Carleton, and much FFX ensued, it was an excellent break.

Now, Easter weekend has been a much of a break in its own right. I met with some high school friends Friday night, where we bonded over video games and went secondhand book shopping the next day.

Mysteries Solved

So, remember when my parents’ computer had that problem with cryptic messages typing themselves out in text boxes? We discovered that it was the speech recognition function. See, I swapped monitors with them at the beginning of the school year, and my old monitor has a built-in microphone. So all those ghostly messages were just it trying to interpret various sounds: sneezes, coughs, mumblings, etc. Doh!

Today I was compiling a list of color that I need to buy to use for pieces for my senior show, and Holy Crap for Crap! Glass color is EXPENSIVE! x_x Even when I calculated the price for just half a kilo of each color bar I need, it was still quite a hefty sum.

Maybe I should sell/auction old glass pieces to raise money to buy color to use in new glass pieces. There must be some other things I can sell besides glass to raise money… *rummage rummage* …anybody want an upside-down running hourglass?

Props, puppets, and artsy things

Second day of winter term completed: so far so good. The prop load for this play is turning out to be more and more manageable. There is a lot of stuff to buy, but most of it consists of small, cheap, easily obtainable things. There are a few larger things to buy, but I still think we can work them into the props budget, and a few hard things to get (like an endoscope and IV pumps), but Matthew seems to be taking care of all the medical schtuff we have to obtain.

My goal for tomorrow is to get all the pieces for the practice puppet, so I can have it made by the end of the week. That way Ian will have plenty of time to mess with it, and hopefully will make an easy transition to the real puppet when it is complete.

As for life in general, I guess I’m doing okay. I’ve been feeling very tired lately, and very unrested. I’ve been fighting hard not to take naps after class/work, but it’s difficult, and I’ve slept away the evenings for the last two days. It hasn’t been a total loss, though, I’ve been getting bits of my current drawing worked on in the evenings. Here are some process shots… (it’s too big to fit under the scanner, so I used my digital camera, which is why some of the shots are all crooked and stuff).


I’m proud of how it’s turning out, though there is much layering of colored pencil to go. I’m trying very hard to take my time and be neat about things, as patience has always been an artsy problem of mine.

I really hope this term will be a productive one (both in class and out), and I think that if I try and overcome my current exhaustion, I can make good use of my free evenings.

2003 Year-end review

Hooray for 2004! Time for the 2003 year-end review…

-2003 rolled in with winter term, rebuilding the furnace, and blissful blissful free time. Sitting quietly and watching D Flo, Brendan, Eric, and others play Gauntlet for 12-18 hours each day was like heaven. Heaven I tell you!

-Spring term was quiet front-loaded, and I remember most of the beginning was spent preparing for SETC, which was a great and fun experience. I’m really glad I went, and hope to go again this year.

-Getting the job at Berkshire was a great relief in the spring, because it meant I had no foreboding worries about the summer. It was also helpful that my scheduling for school worked out perfectly, and that I was able to get my first choice in campus housing for the next year. That spring term really was apologizing for all the hard stuff I’d had to do before, I think.

-The summer and The Berkshire Theatre Festival. I’m so glad i took that internship; I learned so much, had tons of fun, and that’s where I met and developed my initial friendship with Carleton.

-Fall came around and school was tough, but I started dating Carleton, which was a big deal for me. Like, it goes down in the “Notable events of Lisa’s Life” section.

-New Year’s Eve. Hanging out with Brendan and Maria. Playing video games. I always have a rough time at New Year’s parties, because I don’t drink, and many of my friends who do would rather do that than sit and play video games. This year I decided to have fun, and I feel bad for not seeing Darren or Will, but I will see them again, and I actually had fun this year! Woohoo!

2004 is looking out to be scary and exciting, as graduation and for-really-real life is right on the horizon. I’m ready for it, though, i think. Hope everyone has a great year!

Must be Gremlins…

Today I went and used the art supply store gift certificate I got for Christmas. I picked up some colored pencils and some watercolors.

Now, I had purchased a set of watercolors a long time ago, and used them now and again, and then one day found they’d gone missing. Before buying a replacement set, I gave them a year to show up. I looked in every conceivable place, at home and at school, and gave it plenty of time to pull that “Oh, I’m going to show up now that you aren’t actually looking for me” stunt. A year later and still no sign, so I figured it was safe to buy some more.

I’d be willing to bet money that now that I’ve bought a new set, the old one will magically appear in a place I’ve looked a thousand times before.

In other weird news, my parents’ keyboard is acting very strange. Sometimes weird things type out on their own. You know how sometimes you type something and it doesn’t show up right away, then later it all types out at once? Kinda like that. Maybe there’s some ghost trapped in my parents’ computer, trying to contact me with secret messages. Very odd.