Tag Archives: adventures

Turtle Eggs! (maybe)

Today, Carleton and I went on a walk at a nature preserve. It was very pleasant and brisk, and we had some interesting finds, one being a nest of reptile eggs, likely turtle eggs (I only make this assumption because the nest was on the bank of a pond, I know nothing of New England turtle species to make a guess of what kind).

I at first plucked up what I thought to be a small, deflated ball, only to realize that it was actually the leathery egg of some reptile. We soon found more half-buried beneath the sand where the first one lay on the surface. Now, it’s awfully close to first frost, and I don’t know enough about the nesting habits of turtles to say if the eggs were still kickin or if they were drowned in the recent rains or what. Nonetheless, it was still an exciting find, and we recovered the eggs that were poking out and went on our way.

We also found several lively frogs, a woodpecker, a few finches, and a dragonfly that let me hold it as if to say “Look at this pose! Aren’t you sad you didn’t bring your camera? HAHAHAHAHA!!”

This week is tech for Guys and Dolls, so I will be absent and chained to the theater. Have a good week, all!

“There are 2 good things about long weekends, the first is that the weekend is longer…” -Carleton

I really enjoyed my Labor Day weekend trip to Vermont, it really is a very lovely state. It reminded me a lot of Kentucky in some ways, with the exception of being surrounded by mountains. Carleton’s grandmother lives right on Lake Champlain, so he took me out sailing, which ended up being quite awesome. We also lingered around Burlington, ate at Ben and Jerry’s, saw a moderately decent and good-humored street performer, and ate lunch at the infamous Al’s French Frys twice (yes, they really spell “fries” like that). All in all, a good weekend spent.

Thanks for the support about my Nana, the surgery went very well and she is recovering in ICU right now.

I miss you guys back home (Ken, how is New Orleans?).

The Third was the Color of the Sun.

“There are lots of lighthouses in Maine because it’s so big and easy to crash into.” –Carleton

Today is my birthday and I’m 22 years old and I’m having pie instead of cake because…well, it’s not because I don’t like cake, it’s just that the blackberry pie at the store looked so tempting!

This weekend we visited Carleton’s Dad in Maine and, in addition to playing lots of FFX, I got to eat a lobster. ‘Twas quite tasty. I’m a little sad that my visit is coming to an end, but as a birthday present I got a ticket to come up and visit again over spring break (but don’t worry, I’ll be back for Sammy and Will Johnston’s wedding ^_^ ).

I also purchased American Gods for the flight home, though I snuck in a read earlier today. So far I enjoy it, but then again, every book that Brendan recommends to me i end up really enjoying. Hopefully I’ll finish it before the madness of spring term flares up too much. I don’t think it will be terrible, but jumping right into tech as soon as we get back will be a little rough.

Which reminds me..


Sunday, February 8, 2:00 pm
Wednesday, February 11, 8:00 pm
Friday, February 13, 8:00 pm

Norton Center for the Arts box office: (859) 236-4692 or 1-877-448-7469.

The First was Blue..

Of course it is the day when I decide to wear my shoes with the least traction that we have a freezing rain disaster. I walked out the door to discover the world had been covered in a very thin sheet of ice while I’d slept.

It was somewhat adventurous–trying to find the best courses to the nearest patches of grass to walk on and such–and when I ran out of grass on my trip to the bank, I resorted to walking on bits of slush between the road and the sidewalk and small streams of running water. I often found myself standing, precariously balanced, the start of the grass merely two steps away, but dangerous icy pavement one step away, pondering the best way of moving to avoid an Alison Furlong accident.

It was treacherous and frightening, but I made it to and from the bank and to the theater without falling and killing myself. The icicles forming on the cars as the drove were very pretty.

EDIT: Okay, that’s it, every time I find one of you Centre kids’ journals I end up finding 3 more. So I demand that all of the Centre people that I know that have journals that I don’t know have journals post a comment, so that I know…umm…yeah. That is all.


It’s coooooooooold in Connecticut (or maybe just in the house). So, my trip up here went smoothly, in spite of last minute planning changes and Carleton’s phone dying before I finished giving him directions to Ali’s apartment where he could pick me up. Madness and Chaos! But all turned out well.

I saw The Christmas Carol and was very impressed with the puppetry, especially the Marley puppet, very cool! Ali introduced me to the puppetry people before the show, and Carleton’s friend Frankie showed me around the puppet lab afterwards. Everyone was very friendly and informative. We also stopped by UConn’s puppetry museum, which currently has an exhibit of works by students and alumni. It was very cool. One UConnite did puppets for Pinwheel, and as I turned the corner to see great, green, glaring Ebinezer T. Squint, I nearly melted with Nostalgia, exclaiming “Ah! My childhood! My CHILDHOOD!” and weeping. Anyway, I got to see the puppet lab and talk to the puppet people and got lots of information and made lots of connections. It was a very successful day.

Yesterday was a lazy just-hang-out day, the bulk of which was consumed by the extended version of The Two Towers. It was very good (and very long) and full of lots of little helpful explanatory tidbit scenes. Today and Tomorrow Carleton has to go in to Hartford to do work, so I am using the time to catch up on my glass sketchbook and such. Being on break is soooooo nice.

Drama Picnic

The drama picnic was fun and exciting, as it always is. Even though overcast weather could not hinder our usual fun.

Every year when we go to the drama picnic, once in the fall and once in the spring, we always go through Junction City, and every year I see this sign. Every year I say “I really need to take a picture of that sign,” and since I’m a senior this year I thought I’d better get on it. Anyway, here it is…

More pictures of picnic fun…