The day is mine!

Tonight, I wrenched myself awake from a pleasant nap to walk through the pouring rain to a figure study session, all on my own accord! It is perhaps the most accomplished I’ve felt all year.

In other news…
Me: I don’t know if I should try out for a part in the one act plays for the directing class, I don’t know if I have time for another chunk ripped out of my schedule.
D Flo: Wanna be my stage manager instead?
Me: Durr…uhh…okay O.o

Good thinking, self, being an SM will be a lot less busy than an actress ¬_¬ No matter, though, it should be fun! I’ve never been a stage manager before, and even though it’s just for the small one-act plays, it should be an experience.

After a rather hectic audition, D Flo cast Tommy, Katie, and Jeff (yes, Jeff. You remember Jeff, don’t you? The one who juggles flaming sticks? Yeah, that one).

So, through an interesting twist of fate, I work under Jeff for the big play, and he works under me for the one acts. We’re each other’s boss, how strange!

Lot’s of rain lately, but things are still good. Fall break next weekend, no plans yet. And thanks again for the input on my big decision.