After a grueling 15 hour drive, Whitney and I got out of the car only to be greeted by that pleasant sound of crickets and tree frogs and night bugs which had been so noticeably absent from Massachusetts. I have never felt so very happy to be home.
I arrived safe and sound (with the exception of my Achilles tendon, which was bugging me all last week, got worse at strike, and which Ken (
I was going to make a big list of things I learned this summer, but as I am still pretty tired from the trip, and as Brendan is bouncing all over the walls waiting for me to come over and visit, I’ll put that off to a later time (I’ll also get around to the rest of those interview questions, I promise!)
It’s going to be a busy week, with unpacking and updating websites and preparing for school, but I know one thing to be true: Carleton gave me Dynasty Warriors 4, and I plan on spreading its addictive powers to every friend I can summon, muahahaha!
::ninja backflips out the window (carefully, due to her injury of course)::
Heh.. ’tis true. You never realize just how important those random ambient noises are until you’re off somewhere without them. o.O;
One thing, however, that is on the ‘Things I Need Right Now’ list – Louisville party ’03 TOMORROW NIGHT!!!
Oh, and thanks for MY plug, since you were handing them out like…. something… you hand out….. Allen Wrenches! Rrrrgghh
D Flo
15h of driving o_O
Egad! The worst i had to “suffer” was about 8h in a row but that was rather easy to bear since i was used to it due to my civil service at the red cross.
*provides guidance on Jai Li’Sa’s Backflip* XD
From Alison
Just be glad you have something to call home.
I have places where my friends are, a place where my family is, and a place where I sleep. And sadly, none of them are one and the same right now.
I miss you guys terribly!!!!! I wanted to be there so bad when I called last night. You have to come see me when school starts.