Numbing War Movies and Cartoons

I’ve often pondered the cartoons of my youth, and their inexplicable ability to parody the most unlikely movies to be seen by a child in my age group. Specifically, how Animaniacs, Eek! The Cat, *and* Tazmania all managed to do spoofs of Apocalypse Now, so well that though I’ve never seen the movie, I can give a decent rundown of the plot, characters, and general spectacle.

Now let’s think about this a minute. Apocalypse Now? WHAT?? Looking back, I find it strange that these cartoons chose to entertain the youth of my generation by making fun of a serious, dramatic, bloody Vietnam war movie. In that case, why did I find these particular cartoons so funny? I’d never seen the movie, afterall. Was Apocalypse Now so ingrained in the culture at the time that I just sort of soaked it up through osmosis, or did I piece it together after seeing multiple parodies that they were making fun of *something*, and apparently doing it well, so it should be funny.

It’s hard to determine after the fact. Kinda like how I got most of my understanding of pop culture through Muppet Babies. That’s how I knew what Star Wars was, afterall. It was a fundamental truth of life at the time, I never questioned where it came from, it was just *there*, and I’m certain that I knew all the basics of Star Wars before I ever saw any of the movies. Muppet Babies was definately an educational show ^_^

It’s interesting enough to think about this and look at current cartoons, and then try and deduce how this generation’s youth is soaking it all up. I also get to see things from a new perspective, I get most of the things being poked fun at. Now that I think about it, I can’t remember how my parents reacted to the Apocalypse Now parodies, it was something I just didn’t pay attention to.

Facial Feedback Hypothesis

Since I alone make up the painting III class this term, I’m being bombarded with independent projects left and right. Whereas the painting II kids are doing an extended self portrait, I have chosen to do an extended self portrait smiling.

You see, anyone who’s tried a self portrait knows that their default expression is “concentration,” and it just so happens that my “concentration” face is also the same as my “demonic possession going to eat your soul” face. This is a hindrance because, in spite of what anyone may tell you, I’m not a demonic soul-eater from day to day.

So I thought, dammit, I’m going to make a portrait of myself smiling for once, maybe I’ll have an easier time making it look like me. It seemed just the challenge (painting someone smiling is rather difficult to pull off). Well, after a rough, preliminary painting sketch tonight, I’ve found that not only am I more recognizable, but smiling the whole time also has beneficial side effects. I’M IN SUCH A GOOD MOOD!!!

Here I was dreading and whining having to go paint tonight, and instead, I’m all cheerful and skipping-round like. This project is going to be the most enjoyable one yet. Hooray for loosely proven psychological hypotheses! Hooray!

I’m going to the store and I’m going to buy…

The Wednesday-Thursday block is an important time for me. I have no classes after lunch on Wednesdays, no blow slots Wednesday nights, and no classes Thursday. Thus, I have a huge block of free time that is perfect for getting homework and projects finished. I had it all scheduled out, down to the hour, from after dinner until dinner tomorrow. First I would paint, then Calculus for an hour or so, then start early on my Comp Sci project due next week, then plan in my glass sketchbook.

I began my schedule by promptly dropping the whole thing and playing Halo all day.

However, the day was not totally unproductive. After a few rousing battles, the Halo Crew (or Krew, as Brendan puts it) made a trip to Walmart (with a brief stop by the pet store to get crickets for Ken’s frog). I’d been needing to go anyhow. We bought, among other usual grocery items, a plastic mullet. I’m sure that’ll be popping up more than once.

The moral of the story is: I’m a slacker. I’ll have to be extra diligent tomorrow to make up for all the crap I didn’t get done.

Aforementioned Halo Krew:

WHO’S HALO MASTER NOW?? Well…still Ken, BUT…

Halo Stats:
-I won, I actually won! I can’t believe it! I beat Ken and D Flo, blam blam dead boom win!! Wooooooowoo! Of course, they punished me by not letting me have the big screen on top anymore and by ganging up on me as much as possible. Punks.

Morg–I totally empathize about the move/aim synchronization thing. It took me FOREVER to get it down, and I still get confused sometimes!

In today’s news, I had to sacrifice a pair of pants. You see, it is physically impossible to step into the painting studio without getting paint on you, and I need a new pair of painting pants. My other painting pants are a pair of jeans which I’ve had for 6 years, barely held together by weak threads, homemade patches, and the unholy powers of all the dark clerics in the land. So it’s time to doom another pair to a life of being consumed by paint day after day.

I had two pairs as candidates, both of which I use in glassblowing, so they’re a little rugged, but nothing I can’t keep clean. On the one hand, I have the green pants, and I love the green pants. They’re my favorite green pants (at one time, I would’ve followed up with “they’re my only green pants,” but this is no longer true). On the other hand, I have the black pants, which I also love, but which I also use as tech ninja pants. You can’t dash around behind stage like a good tech ninja with luminous splotches of white gesso all over your clothes.

So, after much turmoil, I’ve decided to condemn the green pants, as I noticed I got a little sliver of gesso on them already. No worries, though, they will still be loved, just not wearable outside the context of the art barn.

Said green pants..

By the way, thanks for the welcomes, all!

Dun dun dun

Well, here I am! Special thanks to Synnabar for hookin me up, and to those who suggested, peer pressured, or used idle threats to convince me to start a journal.

In recent news, I have a nasty burn on my forearm from glassblowing, my partner accidentally bumped the steel jacks I was using, and one of the blades smacked my forearm. Ouch! No worries though. Another day, another battle scar.

I think I’m finally recovering from the Centre Plague, which seems to run rampant at the beginning of each year. I’m in the coughing/sneezing phase, and thanks to Kim providing me with tasty tea and sudafed, and for the Rhodes Hall crew for letting me turn their living quarters into a health spa, I’m on the mend.

Current Halo stats:
-Ken still reigns as undisputed champion
-I beat D Flo once, and I’ll never let him forget it
Brendan still yells at me for looking at his part of the screen, a technique I developed in my Mario Kart days and still think is a perfectly legitimate survival skill in first-person shooters.
-I’m getting better. No, really! I promise!

I think that’s a reasonable first post. Stay tuned for more bite-sized pieces of life!