Thanks for the suggestions on names everyone! I’ve decided to name the plant Cap’n Stitch.
First weekend of winter term and all is well. I decided to go play in an Ultimate Frisbee mini-tourney yesterday, and was needed as the only girl, and after some other people dropped out, we had 8 people. 7 people have to be in play, leaving us one sub, and after Abbot got injured before the last game…well….we were all pretty exhausted.
I had a lot of fun, but since I hadn’t played since early fall, I knew right away that my body would be screaming at me all day today. That’s what I get, I guess.
And Now for the First of a Series of Important Announcements that I’ll be making periodically
As you all know, I’m taking this theater class and working on this play this term.
The play is The Yellow Boat by David Saar, and just from the progress made this week, I can tell it is going to be an awesome play. Awesome as in well-acted and designed, but also in that it’s a very important play.
So that is why I’ll be announcing in my journal now and again to harass anyone I can into coming, because you all need to see this play. I believe the performance dates will be Feb 10-13, but I’ll get more details.
If you are in or near Danville, Kentucky at that time, you are hereby obligated to come and see this play. You Have no choice in the matter. So there.
It counts for a Convo, right?
I’m there.
there is no chance in HELL that I will get to see Danville.. At least, until my family gets a less shitty car, which is unlikely to happen soon as they seem to think $3000 can buy anything half-decent. Oh happy days these are trying to talk some damn sense into them.
In the meantime I shall continue going insane. So lav.