I brought home my new cat from the shelter today! This is my first cat as an independent adult-type-person, and he is wonderful. His shelter name is Mr. Davis, and though he’s been at the shelter for about a year, he doesn’t seem too attached to it, so new names are up for grabs.
We were apparently meant to be, as when I visited him the first time at the shelter he crawled right into my lap, bypassing the finger-sniff-test altogether. Today when I went to pick him up, all the cats were stressed and cranky (they are moving locations, so everything was being packed and shuffled up. Mr. Davis was laying on the ground with a very “don’t touch me” swishy tail, and the shelter people were looking for where they had packed the treats so they could lure him into the carrier. Then, all of a sudden, he stood up and waltzed right into the carrier, and then laid down and made himself comfortable. The shelter volunteers were in awe. Didn’t make a peep the whole ride home.
He was very low key when I brought him home, and after some sniffy exploring, made right in with the purring and the snuggles. He’s quite big, but very sweet. Here are photos!
And no, he doesn’t have a drinking problem, Josh was just using that bottle as a scale clue.
He’s GORGEOUS! such paws…. that lad’ll be able to scale the thinnest fence in search of unattended edibles (I recall a neighbours cat walking the grids of the stove – cold of course – to inspect a salmon mousse….)
Envy Envy Envy…..
Sounds from his behaviour that he’s decided you are the one he’ll trust as support staff… cats don’t have owners only support teams….
You are … lucky … to have met him…