1) Getting rid of the credit card: This goal is pretty much complete! I called to cancel, got my confirmation letter, and now I just have to wait a month to check my credit report and make sure they did it right. Part of the thing that made it so easy was that right off the bat, I politely requested that we skip any steps that involved persuading me not to close my account, and the person helping me complied. There were a few mentions of benefits as he loaded up my account, but I didn’t have to deal with any long speeches read out of a manual. Turns out you can just ask for stuff! Since this goal is wrapping up, I’ll devote slot 1 in future updates to general financial goals that are part of the big 5 year one.
2) One free thing in LA per month: Tomorrow, Nick and I are going to the Getty. Thinking ahead for February, there are two free events which have my eye. One is the Golden Dragon Parade in Chinatown for the Lunar New Year (on the 5th and 6th). The other is a lecture in Santa Clarita about the early history of Warner Brothers Studios (on the 26th). Thoughts from people who may want to join in?
3) 20 Minutes of Games Every Other Day: More Donkey Kong and Sonic Colors this week, with a dabble into Metro 2033. That game does SUCH a good job of establishing post-apocalyptic environmental storytelling. The combat is kind of so-so, but I like some of the wackier mechanics, like the gas mask above the surface thing. I have Lost in Shadow sitting here, too, which I want to get to soon.
4) Sew 3 Things: I’m trying to figure out where to get bobbins for this ancient beast of a sewing machine and spent some time searching this week. I found a place I can order them online if need be. I’m also going to try and check out a sewing machine supply shop in my area and see if they have more than just repair stuff.