ARG! Productions is a small, independent animation group headed up by Will White. We work on small animated projects with teams varying from 2 or 3 to 13 people. We work primarily in Flash with some Maya vector rendering. More information can be found on the ARG! Productions website.
Li’l Kitty Jam Jams
Role: Producer/Digital Ink and Color/Background Painting
The LKJJ project originally started as a pitch for an animated series, and then developed into a standalone short as an exercise in character exploration. My role as a producer was to organize a schedule and run online meetings, as well as pick up slack in any needed areas (animation clean-up, layout painting, etc.).
The group working on this project has spanned up to 13 people total in all different areas (art, writing, music and sound).
Bryan Scary Music Video
Role: Producer/Digital Ink and Color/Background Painting/Asset Modelling
An in-the-works animated music video for Bryan Scary & the Shredding Tears. The group on this project is small, consisting of myself, the creative director/lead animator, and outside help for rigging and some animation. In addition to production and schedule management, my role also included some basic animation and cleanup work.