There was a request for the recipe for my pomegranate apple sauce, so here it is!
- 3-4 apples, peeled, cored, cut into chunks
- 1 pomegranate’s worth of seeds (youtube will help you with the optimal way to open a pomegranate)
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
Add apple chunks and pomegranate seeds to a medium saucepan. Mix together sugar and water and add to saucepan. Bring to a boil, lower heat and cover, let simmer for about 20 minutes. Remove cover and simmer 20 minutes more, until most of the water has reduced. Mash up the apples with a spoon. Done!
As for the honey cornmeal pancakes, I just used this recipe (sans syrup. I used some plum preserves and then spread the applesauce onto them):