Woo! Last post before my Lenten hiatus.
My 8:00 Algorithms class was eased somewhat today, as my professor brought us all jelly doughnuts. She grew up in a Polish neighborhood where they celebrated Paczki day the day before Ash Wednesday, which is somewhat of the “poor man’s Mardi Gras.” Having no paczki available, Americanized jelly doughnuts had to do, and we had a mini Paczki Day celebration before class started.
A note about auctions: Even though I don’t do the “Sundays doesn’t count” thing, I’ll be posting auctions and links to them on Sundays, so I’ll feel somewhat less intrusive onto my hiatus. Keep your eyes peeled, I need money for that glass color x_x.
Expect these and other updates when I return at Easter:
-Spring Break
-Survival of March Crunch
Extraneous Internet Hiatus begins at midnight tonight, so I’ll still be around if you need to reach me up until then.
Now I’m off to fatten myself up. If I’m celebrating Lent this year I may as well be fair and celebrate Mardi Gras as well. Hope the spring starts out wonderfully for everyone, I’ll see you guys at Easter!
Good luck – no cheating! ^__^
Lost Dragon
Err…What about your entry for the DT Art Group…?