1) Financial: I’m focusing on reducing my eating-out spending this year, and have started with a budget of $40 every 2 weeks. So far I’m sticking to it!
2) One free thing in LA per month. Nick and I spent last Saturday at the Getty. It was beautiful! The grounds alone are enough that I would spend all day out there, lounging around the water features. Art-wise, there was a great exhibit of illuminated manuscripts that I found really fascinating. I love seeing the tiny detail in the illuminations, and all the shiny gold leaf. For February, I think I’m set on the Golden Dragon Parade.
3) 20 Minutes of Games Every Other Day: Lots of Sonic Colors this week. And Starcraft, of course, but I’ve already said that doesn’t count.
4) Sew 3 things: No progress this week, but I have a rip in one of my pants that needs mending, so that will get me to fire the machine up.
Random: So I’m applying to gradschool at CCA…which is in the same state as you, and even on the same ocean. If I end up going there…you are going to be my emergency contact and we will hang out and you will teach me about video games and occassionally come blow glass with me and we will frolick on the beach like best friends…ok maybe not quite all of those things…but I might be out there soon and we should hang out in real life for the first time in like..6 years…
Dude, i would LOVE to be able to get back into the glass studio. I miss it so much! But CCA is up near San Francisco, right? I’m down in LA, which is like an 8 hour drive x_x
All the same, it would make plotting a meetup more feasible. Good luck with your application!