Tag Archives: video games

A New Beginning!

Well, I finally gave in to Brendan’s many praises of NewsBruiser and decided to give it a shot. Upon realizing that I have no sense of design or color scheme, I’m still working on customizing the look. Default theme for now ^_^

In other news: Halo 2 is awesome, but I’m sure everybody knows that already. It is bittersweet, though, as waves of longing for old Halo friends wash over me every time I play. I miss you guys so much!!

First show at Long Wharf was a success, now we are putting up a show that we got shipped in from Hartford Stage. The Mystery of Irma Vep looks like it will be quite funny. Stay tuned.

Day Off

In spite of the mountains of work I have to do, I decided to come home for the weekend, and am very glad I did. I probably would not have gotten any work done at school anyway, most likely would have just moped about. Coming home was instantly refreshing.

This afternoon I joined Dave, Ken, and Brad at the Cherokee Triangle Art Fair, which was similar to the St. James Art fair except more pleasant weather and less people. We actually spent most of the beginning of the afternoon resting on Brad and Evan’s porch and people-watching. The art stuffs being sold were pretty varied, as the wares in these sorts of events usually are, but it was a pleasant day to be out walking. I also got to see Evan, but only briefly as I was on my way out and he on his way in.

I then spent the evening visiting Brendan and Maria. They introduced me to WarioWare, which seems to be a game invented specifically for people with ADD, but man is it fun. (note that site doesn’t have any actual game info on it…or maybe it does, it’s just hidden in those secret doors). We also dug out my old tape of Captain Power episodes, which was fun and nostalgic, but slightly lacking seeing as we didn’t have any of the toys. It was okay, though, we shot the screen with finger guns and made the little shooting noise.

Seeing my friends and being home was incredibly refreshing, and I only hope that doesn’t immediately drain out of me upon returning to school. Soooo much work to do, so little time. I guess that’s always true, though.

Happy Easter

Whew! That was hard, but here I am again, safe in the folds of LJ. Well, what’s been new.

Well, several people had the NERVE to get new journals while I was away ^_^ Anyway, I’ll have fun catching up on , , and .

We had our group critiques for the senior art majors in early March, which helped me get on my way with my pieces. I like how they’re turning out, but I have to grind and cold work them a lot, which will take up the bulk of my time. This week will actually be the last week in the hot shop for me, as I devote the rest of the time between then and my show grinding and polishing, grinding and polishing, grinding and polishing x_x Here are some previews..


Let’s see let’s see, anything else? Well, I’m sure I’ll think of things later. Hope everyone has been well! Time to catch up on journals.
School has been busy, but over Spring Break I flew up to Connecticut to see Carleton, and much FFX ensued, it was an excellent break.

Now, Easter weekend has been a much of a break in its own right. I met with some high school friends Friday night, where we bonded over video games and went secondhand book shopping the next day.

The Third was the Color of the Sun.

“There are lots of lighthouses in Maine because it’s so big and easy to crash into.” –Carleton

Today is my birthday and I’m 22 years old and I’m having pie instead of cake because…well, it’s not because I don’t like cake, it’s just that the blackberry pie at the store looked so tempting!

This weekend we visited Carleton’s Dad in Maine and, in addition to playing lots of FFX, I got to eat a lobster. ‘Twas quite tasty. I’m a little sad that my visit is coming to an end, but as a birthday present I got a ticket to come up and visit again over spring break (but don’t worry, I’ll be back for Sammy and Will Johnston’s wedding ^_^ ).

I also purchased American Gods for the flight home, though I snuck in a read earlier today. So far I enjoy it, but then again, every book that Brendan recommends to me i end up really enjoying. Hopefully I’ll finish it before the madness of spring term flares up too much. I don’t think it will be terrible, but jumping right into tech as soon as we get back will be a little rough.

Which reminds me..


Sunday, February 8, 2:00 pm
Wednesday, February 11, 8:00 pm
Friday, February 13, 8:00 pm

Norton Center for the Arts box office: (859) 236-4692 or 1-877-448-7469.

2003 Year-end review

Hooray for 2004! Time for the 2003 year-end review…

-2003 rolled in with winter term, rebuilding the furnace, and blissful blissful free time. Sitting quietly and watching D Flo, Brendan, Eric, and others play Gauntlet for 12-18 hours each day was like heaven. Heaven I tell you!

-Spring term was quiet front-loaded, and I remember most of the beginning was spent preparing for SETC, which was a great and fun experience. I’m really glad I went, and hope to go again this year.

-Getting the job at Berkshire was a great relief in the spring, because it meant I had no foreboding worries about the summer. It was also helpful that my scheduling for school worked out perfectly, and that I was able to get my first choice in campus housing for the next year. That spring term really was apologizing for all the hard stuff I’d had to do before, I think.

-The summer and The Berkshire Theatre Festival. I’m so glad i took that internship; I learned so much, had tons of fun, and that’s where I met and developed my initial friendship with Carleton.

-Fall came around and school was tough, but I started dating Carleton, which was a big deal for me. Like, it goes down in the “Notable events of Lisa’s Life” section.

-New Year’s Eve. Hanging out with Brendan and Maria. Playing video games. I always have a rough time at New Year’s parties, because I don’t drink, and many of my friends who do would rather do that than sit and play video games. This year I decided to have fun, and I feel bad for not seeing Darren or Will, but I will see them again, and I actually had fun this year! Woohoo!

2004 is looking out to be scary and exciting, as graduation and for-really-real life is right on the horizon. I’m ready for it, though, i think. Hope everyone has a great year!


I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday!

Carleton’s visit was awesome. Granted, most of it was spent playing Final Fantasy X, but all the better to have time to waste playing video games. We did manage to make it out to visit all my friends, and had very tasty meals thrust upon us. Granted, I was sad to see him off this morning, but the fact that it’s Christmas helped to cheer me up.

That, and the fact that I still have the rest of Christmas break left! Woowoo! Maybe I will get that site redesign underway…or at least get some cleaning done.

Stay safe and warm on the holidays, everyone!


Weee! What a first week! It wasn’t as overwhelming as I thought it would be, though this weekend will be busy with me preparing my proposal. I think the art society, if Nick and I can get it off the ground, is going to be great fun. We’re going to get the kids to help out with the Anagama kiln this year (which I’m very excited about, I’ll be sure to take lots of pictures!)

Meanwhile, the weather has been overly pleasant this week, and I’ve been in good spirits every day in spite of the busy schedule that faces me. There have been slivers of loneliness here and there, as the absence of my many graduated friends makes itself more and more apparent, but at least I still have D Flo () to save the universe from Covenant aliens with!

In fact, I’ve been spending quite a bit of time on my own this week, which is pleasant in its own right. It’s been too long since I could enjoy my own company and inner ponderings. I’m going to paint this term, on my own. I even did the unthinkable, and bought one of those pre-stretched pre-primed canvases instead of stretching my own, Sheldon would be so ashamed!!

In other news, I have floaty ideas about this year’s Halloween costume, but nothing solid yet. Also, this project in my Compilers class is going to be brutal..

*sings* C is for Cookie, it’s good enough for me… *code code code*

C-worthy vessels

Well, my first day of classes went quite well. I managed to wake up early and get a lot done (a trend I hope to keep).

Operating Systems seems like it’s going to be fun. Dr. Oldham seems to have a very dry, Shannon-esque sense of humor, but I think he’s going to end up being pretty good. I think this class and Compilers will compliment each other nicely (it will be the term of C!)

Northern Mannerist and Baroque art…well…it’s a Dr. Levin class, I fear it will be the same as all the others. I’m hoping to be able to do my research paper on glass in the time and place, but I don’t know yet.

I also met with Nick and Judith (and Augustine came too) about Art Society stuff for the year. Nick Holmes and I have found ourselves to be co-presidents this year, and I’d really like to do some fun stuff, because last year the club was fairly nonexistent. I think we’re going to try and get Art Society kids to join in on the Anagama kiln that we build every year (and I want to get my own pictures this year!).

I also talked with Matthew today, as he wanted to know all about my adventures at BTF this summer. He was very pleased with me, and told me I should be quite proud of myself. I told him about how much I loved making the wolf heads and dead dog, and how I wanted to make puppets and stuff, to which he responded by conspicuously lifting his clipboard and saying “Well look here, I need some props work for The Yellow Boat this winter, and there will probably be some puppetry work too. I’ll get you a script tomorrow.” x_x Well, I hadn’t had anything planned for winter term anyway, so I guess I’ll look into it.

I was planning on playing Ultimate Frisbee today, but when i put on my shoes, I was painfully reminded that my Achilles tendon is not quite done healing yet, thankyouverymuch. Hmph, it’d best get better soon. I probably will sit out on frisbee for the week at least, but I really want to play.

The evening drew to a close with a nice game of Ghost Recon with D Flo (), then a hall meeting, then being image compression wench and Dreamweaver advisor for Carleton ()

Tomorrow will bring me Compilers, and a whole lot of free time which I will hopefully convert into lots of finished work. We shall see.

Fun-packed week

This week has been a wonderful homecoming. On Monday, I was happily reunited with Brendan, Ken (, Dave (of being-hit-by-a-TARC-bus fame), and Evan. There was much hugging and grand tours of new apartments, and plenty of Halo of course. Brendan, Ken, Dave and I made dinner that night like a family, then we went to Evan’s for dessert. Tuesday was even more fun, with the infamous D Flo() come to visit, featuring Emily Tate. All was joyous and partyful.

Though I will be sad that most of my friends will not be returning to Centre, now that they’re bound to the real world, I’m happy that they will be so close. I’m also excited about the schoolyear, though a bit frazzled by having to move back tomorrow.

I spent Wednesday night with my parents. We got buffalo wings and watched Two Towers together (sorry Carleton, I was so excited about the prospect of actually *eating* the buffalo wings that they were completely devoured before I thought about taking a picture ^_^). Today I had lunch with my mom and grandmother and cousin.

I also went to the doctor today about my Achilles tendon. It seems it is merely a case of tendonitus (boooo!), and I was given some drugs and shown some stretches to do to get through it. Stupid tendonitus. Ah well, if that’s the worst that will happen it’ll be all good.

I also managed to get my website updated, so go look at that. https://www.wertle.com

All in all, it’s been a very fulfilling week. By next update I should be back at Centre!

Home at Last!

After a grueling 15 hour drive, Whitney and I got out of the car only to be greeted by that pleasant sound of crickets and tree frogs and night bugs which had been so noticeably absent from Massachusetts. I have never felt so very happy to be home.

I arrived safe and sound (with the exception of my Achilles tendon, which was bugging me all last week, got worse at strike, and which Ken () suggests I get looked at so I don’t end up unable to use it properly. A crippling leg injury is certainly very low on the “Things I Need Right Now” list.)

I was going to make a big list of things I learned this summer, but as I am still pretty tired from the trip, and as Brendan is bouncing all over the walls waiting for me to come over and visit, I’ll put that off to a later time (I’ll also get around to the rest of those interview questions, I promise!)

It’s going to be a busy week, with unpacking and updating websites and preparing for school, but I know one thing to be true: Carleton gave me Dynasty Warriors 4, and I plan on spreading its addictive powers to every friend I can summon, muahahaha!

::ninja backflips out the window (carefully, due to her injury of course)::