Tag Archives: video games

Electricity Eeeeelec-tricity.

Crew meeting today. I work for Jeff, who can juggle flaming sticks, in electrics. I used to be afraid of Jeff, he was one of those sorts who I couldn’t tell if they were joking or really seriously angry about something, but I’ve come to learn that he’s harmless. Mostly harmless.

I like working in electrics, hanging and focusing lights is great fun! This year, I’m board op (trained monkey) which is something I’ve never done before. It means I’ll have to donate a week of my life to the theatre department, but I think I have my schedule under control, it’ll all be good. And I have plenty of practice pushing buttons, I knew Halo would be good for something!

Speaking of which, Squirt has joined the Krew. I need to draw her up. It’s very strange, I never really hang out with her, but she’s lots of fun. Weird how that is.

I love you Brendan!


2014 Lisa Commentary: Oh, early-livejournal, so full of random observations. I still wonder this kind of stuff all the time, I just don’t tend to write about it at length. Or at least, twitter has become a much more suitable repository for random one-off thoughts nowadays. Meanwhile, look at how I used to draw, haha! It only took me 12 years to learn to get rid of all unnecessary details 🙂

Why are packaged foods so much less appetizing when they’re smashed? I mean, there’s really nothing wrong with them, they’re still in their sanitary little plastic wrapping, and at most suffer from some mild pre-mastication. But when I pulled the squished oatmeal pie out of the bottom of my backpack I instinctively grimaced with an “Ewww, yuck.”

Of course, after some reflection, I went ahead and ate it, and it was still as tasty as it would have been without my calculus book sitting on top of it for most of the day. And yet, I’ve also been known to eat potato chips that had fallen on the floor of the glass studio, or chase a kiwi down a flight or two of stairs before I caught up with it to eat it.

It could just be me.

Meanwhile, plasma grenades suck.

Special thanks to Brendan for being a walking, talking onomatopoeia thesaurus

I’m going to the store and I’m going to buy…

The Wednesday-Thursday block is an important time for me. I have no classes after lunch on Wednesdays, no blow slots Wednesday nights, and no classes Thursday. Thus, I have a huge block of free time that is perfect for getting homework and projects finished. I had it all scheduled out, down to the hour, from after dinner until dinner tomorrow. First I would paint, then Calculus for an hour or so, then start early on my Comp Sci project due next week, then plan in my glass sketchbook.

I began my schedule by promptly dropping the whole thing and playing Halo all day.

However, the day was not totally unproductive. After a few rousing battles, the Halo Crew (or Krew, as Brendan puts it) made a trip to Walmart (with a brief stop by the pet store to get crickets for Ken’s frog). I’d been needing to go anyhow. We bought, among other usual grocery items, a plastic mullet. I’m sure that’ll be popping up more than once.

The moral of the story is: I’m a slacker. I’ll have to be extra diligent tomorrow to make up for all the crap I didn’t get done.

Aforementioned Halo Krew:

WHO’S HALO MASTER NOW?? Well…still Ken, BUT…

Halo Stats:
-I won, I actually won! I can’t believe it! I beat Ken and D Flo, blam blam dead boom win!! Wooooooowoo! Of course, they punished me by not letting me have the big screen on top anymore and by ganging up on me as much as possible. Punks.

Morg–I totally empathize about the move/aim synchronization thing. It took me FOREVER to get it down, and I still get confused sometimes!

In today’s news, I had to sacrifice a pair of pants. You see, it is physically impossible to step into the painting studio without getting paint on you, and I need a new pair of painting pants. My other painting pants are a pair of jeans which I’ve had for 6 years, barely held together by weak threads, homemade patches, and the unholy powers of all the dark clerics in the land. So it’s time to doom another pair to a life of being consumed by paint day after day.

I had two pairs as candidates, both of which I use in glassblowing, so they’re a little rugged, but nothing I can’t keep clean. On the one hand, I have the green pants, and I love the green pants. They’re my favorite green pants (at one time, I would’ve followed up with “they’re my only green pants,” but this is no longer true). On the other hand, I have the black pants, which I also love, but which I also use as tech ninja pants. You can’t dash around behind stage like a good tech ninja with luminous splotches of white gesso all over your clothes.

So, after much turmoil, I’ve decided to condemn the green pants, as I noticed I got a little sliver of gesso on them already. No worries, though, they will still be loved, just not wearable outside the context of the art barn.

Said green pants..

By the way, thanks for the welcomes, all!