Tag Archives: memes
Hey you! Yes YOU *points*! Who are you? And how did you find my journal? And why do you read it? Inquiring minds want to know! Reply here please ^_^
Interview by
I’m a big fan of the 5 question interviews, so I asked for one.
1. Who is Wertle? How is Wertle the dragon a part of Lisa the person?
Geez, I didn’t know the first question would be such a hard one! Anyway…
I take online quizzes a lot, for fun, but don’t normally post results for the clutter. Then again, they’ve mostly always been silly quizzes just for amusement, but I guess if I gain a nugget of insight from one, it’s worth posting..
Edumacation on Wertle
I’m normally not one to fill out internet surveys, but I read this one off mysticpenguin and liked it. For one, it doesn’t consist of 8 biztrillion one-word-answer sort of questions, because I never read those. Plus, even if no one else but me reads it, writing the answers will provide some introspection at the very least ^_^