Tag Archives: lost entries


Marji and I were talking tonight about close friends who vanish off the face of the earth. So I thought I’d give a shout as loud as I can into the void of the internet.

Keary Bailey, where aaaaaaare you?

Before vanishing mysteriously off to China, Keary entrusted me with his special engraved zippo, which I have no idea how to convey the significance of through words, so just trust me in that it was a big deal. His parting words were that either a) he’s be back for the lighter, or b) if “something happened”, his soul would be magically transported back to the lighter, and I was to be its safekeeper. Sure thing, I keep the lighter in a safe place, I get one email from Keary in China, then nothing. That was several years ago.

When I started going through rough times, I started carrying the lighter around with me, flipping open and closing its lid, at times clutching it in my fist almost constantly. On one of the mysterious tear-filled nights, Brendan pointed it out to me, that I carried the thing around like a talisman. It was unfair to impart Guardian Angel status onto someone like that, a normal human, or someone’s phantom that was still a part of my life. I put people up on pedestals; that is bad. Back to the safe place the lighter went.

But still, since then, it has secretly come out of the safe place. In particularly rough moments, I have found the thing somehow ends up back in my hand, clicking open and closing again. I dunno, maybe it is purely the compulsive act of doing that which comforts me. It does make a rather gratifying “click-clonk” sound.

I’ve heard around that he’s been back in the states. Perhaps the revelations he experienced from his adventuring pushed out any memory of silly attachment to an object, or a person. I don’t mind so much, I change just as often over time as the next person, I can relate. Still, I’ve gotten back into the old talisman habit. Is it still unfair, what I’m doing?

Keary, you were a good friend to me in that growing-up time I was going through. I hope you are happy and doing well, and I’ll continue to keep your lighter safe, even if you’ve forgotten.

Another little anacrusis of my own

Part Two:

Wertle crawls back out of the same green pipe and skips over to the riverside. She waves down Siddhartha with her claw.

“Look, look, I made it a bit further, didn’t I? I remembered an important thing!”

Siddhartha smiles, “Yes you did, but you used the whistle again, didn’t you?”

Wertle tries to hide the device behind her back, a little embarrassed, “So…it’s not my turn to be the ferryman, is it?”

Siddhartha shakes his head, “You haven’t lost everything yet.”

“Yes…I know.”

“I know you know.”

Wertle climbs back into the pipe and disappears a third time.

Ego-strokes round 2

Referring to this entry, here’s round 2.

D Flo causes infectious laughter. I remember when I was up north, everyone in the house always knew when I was on the phone with D Flo, because it wasn’t long after “hello” that we’d both be bellowing out laughs about some ridiculous thing or another. I remember D Flo was one of my favorite people to show comics to. I’d finish a Halo comic, run up and give it to him, and fidget there, watching his eyes, waiting for him to reach the punchline, and be rewarded by one of my favorite laughs. Spending time with D Flo feels natural, as if he’s always been there. The Blue Bike Gang, Walmart runs, or even just sitting and watching him play Age of Mythology over his shoulder, keeping an extra eye on the invasive red dots on the radar. D Flo is one of those rare people that I share a brainwave frequency with. It makes playing co-op games so natural: Halo, Ghost Recon, Desert Conflict (ah, Kuwait never had to worry with us around!), and of course, Taboo (“Mogwai! Mogwai!”). D Flo is my partner in crime, stage management or otherwise, and whenever I am with him, I feel light and playful and full of energy, as if joining forces to save the world is no hard feat.

In other news, Ken and I had OpenCanvas fun this afternoon.
Scott Fargus of Dragons
I have no idea

Ego-strokes Round 1

Only three takers this round, but I’ll keep checking back to my previous entry in case more should come along, and hand out ego-strokes as they come.

Wheeler is my newest friend! He is a joy to chat with, be it about birds or taxes or long ramblings about nobilis. Plus, he is one of the few people I’ve encountered in my life that listens to Magnetic Fields. Anyone who likes Magnetic Fields automatically gets +10 awesome points to start with. It is nice to suddenly have made a friend who is around most of the time and willing to chat about all manner of things. I have become so comfortable with him so quickly that it seems perfectly natural to accept from him a cartoon bomb in a cake ^_^

Ken is one of the best friends I could ever have hoped to possibly make during my trek throughout life. He is quiet, but full of power, and I feel instantly safe whenever I am around him. Okay okay, quiet except during Halo ^_^. I have never trusted another person so completely, and I know I could share anything and everything with Ken without fear or hesitation. He is also extremely talented, and is not afraid to do what he wants to do. I am truly suffering on a deep level by not having his friendship in close proximity, but that will make it all the more exciting when he finally comes back to town! I never have to plan anything with Ken, and I never have to worry about speaking when I am near him to maintain any sort of level of comfort. It is just comfortable by default. Ah, the many times at Centre eating together! I love listening to Ken talk about Italy and Caravaggios and art, because he emanates a strange kind of warmth when he does that is very comforting. It is safe to say that I would be quite lost without Ken.

Will is awesome! He is one of those people that I can learn volumes from just by playing with him. He is all filled up with laugh-making and ambitious plotting and dreams and ideas, and is all kinds of fun to tag along with in one plot or another, or to just run circles around. It is good fun to once again have a friend to play with, on the level of swapping sketches, and discussing the evolution of long-lived-and-loved characters, and the many psychologically healing functions of lunchables, and all manner of silliness. Will has a great big heart, which is a quality I sincerely admire and can empathize with, and there are times when I can see bits and pieces of myself inside him, which is probably why he’s so easy to get along with.

Who, me?

Gabbard posted pictures from the TMBG concert, check out the broken floor! We are so hard core.

I usually grumble at myself and post apologies for doing memes. However, I do this one all the time on other people’s journals, it’s high time I started giving out strokes,

Reply with a message and I’ll tell you something I adore about you. (this is generally followed up by a demand to do the same in your own journal, but I don’t like to be pushy)

Man it’s so loud in here

TMBG ROCKED HARD CORE! At first, we were worried. Centre, while starting to drag in cool bands for Carnival, still does an absolutely craptacular job of advertising them. So the crowd was rather small. We seated in the orchestra were worried, we did not want the Giants to be sad that there was a small group. So, we all vowed to be the most energetic, enthusiastic crowd possible, sending lots of love and energy.

When the band came on, they invited us to come right up to the small area of the pit which was right against the stage and did not have seats, so of course we all rushed up. I was lucky enough to be right against the stage. John looked at mee!! *swoon* (both of them! *double swoon*).

Anyway, we rocked hard core. Like HARD core. And then, something happened, something that my Centre friends who were absent from the concert will enjoy…

We rocked so hard that…

(wait for it)

We rocked SO HARD..


We rocked out so hard that we BROKE THE PIT. That’s right! All our bouncing and dancing and pogo-ing was just too much for it, and it split RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE. The right half of the pit sunk three inches lower than the left half, and the bouncing continued, and it got REALLY wobbly.

Having worked road shows at Centre before, I knew how far of a drop that would be if the pit suddenly gave way, so I took to desperately clutching the edge of the stage. Fortunately, the bracing held, and we continued to rock.

And it was awesome. Gabbard should have pictures of the damage up soon.

Fun and games

I suppose I should introduce you all to my newest addiction, that being the LJ community RE: Image. It’s great fun times, and if anything is good practice for me drawing with a Wacom.

Bringing you such favorites as…


Paint Parties!

Inside Jokes with other members with context outside of the community!

Discussion of irrational fears!


and, of course….Dance Parties

So yes, go and play.


Insight Explosion Day!

Having an insight, or learning something new that is very big, or remembering something that was important is never very gradual for me. It is an explosion–a wonderful, wonderful explosion.

I remembered, all of a sudden! I remembered what I’m here for. I remembered what I’m supposed to do.

You never grow up, really. You are always a parent and a child in the same body, with a computer thrown in there in between. You can be surrounded by people and still feel isolated and lonely. There are people in the world of all ages and walks and professions who are so desperately, desperately in need of someone who will look at them as a child, and see their own child, notice it exists, and smile and say “play with me!”

My heart is so full, to the point of bursting. It is wonderful.

I love all of you so very very much.

New Friends

What can warrant a third update in one day?? New roommates!

Terzy, upon moving into a new apartment, needed to find a new home for her two ratties. She asked me and of course I said yes, remembering the not-too-long-ago visit with Steph where I discovered rats make awesome pets, and that I would like to have some someday. So now I am the owner of two new pets, Leviathan and Narco.

Yeah, I think we’re gonna get along just fine 🙂