Tag Archives: insights

Gruh x_x

Aeros was today, and since I only worked load in and load out, I got to watch the show. It’s pretty much a show of Romanian gymnastics, and it really makes one appreciate the full range of movement of the human body. Very cool.

It’s been a rough week, mainly due to the piling of decisions that need to be made. I was expecting it to happen, and tried to prepare for it all of February, but it’s still wearing me down. My room is filthy, full of piles of dirty laundry. It bothers me when I get so busy I neglect my cleanliness.

I guess the worst part is that I’m too busy for this, I have too much stuff to do for me to be in a funk. I think I’ll really be fine, it’s just that my body clock is all messed up and I am overwhelmed, and thus emotionally frail…so much so that when I got back from the load-out, I was planning on hunting down Brendan to hang out. Seeing that he was not online…thus meaning he’s gone to bed, I was so upset that I started crying. Ridiculous! It’s probably just messed up sleeping and eating patterns.

It hasn’t all been bad, though, I got the job offer from Berkshire. I’d gone to see Matthew several times to talk about the job offers and just fretting over how this summer is going to work in general. He helped me out, but as I was leaving his office on Friday, he told me that I should really consider the implications of this job offer, and that I should see about taking some time out of my schedule to celebrate. I’d never thought about that, I guess I was just so busy with the decision-making that I overlooked it. Tomorrow will be very busy as I attempt to catch up on work once again, but I’ll try and make a little time for myself.

It’s Time for Another: Good Idea, Bad Idea

A couple weeks ago, I got an email from Mark, announcing that The Musicman, the biggest road show the Norton Center has ever had, was coming. 6 trucks (as opposed to the standard 2) and instead of starting load-in at 8, it started at 6…and ran until 5 that evening. It sounded grueling, but I thought it would be a good experience, and signed up to work both load in, load out, and the show.

Then I remembered this show would happen two days after we got back from SETC x_x

I’m on the props crew this time, and though I love electrics, props has been fun so far. I’ve never worked the show before, but it was lots of fun. It wasn’t full of crazy stressful cues, but there was enough going on that I wasn’t sitting backstage bored out of my mind. Last night went really smoothly, and tonight should go even moreso I think. Plus, in spite of working aaaall day yesterday, I still finished my take-home test in discrete math with no problems.

However, Mark came up to me again and asked if I wanted to work Aeros this Saturday. I promptly agreed to, but now I’m thinking that wasn’t such a good idea. I’m exhausted, I should’ve saved that day to rest. But, the load in and load out won’t be that long or complicated, and I could use the money. I’m really glad that spring break is so close, I’m going to need that whole week to recover.

Anyway, as promised…
SETC wrap-up


I have been blessed and cursed with a very low stress perception.

On the upperhand, it means I don’t get stressed out about things easily. Upcoming tests and papers do not worry me, finals week does not send me on an emotional fray, and I do not get “stressed out” over school and such…

The bad part about this is that I usually do not detect when I really am putting a lot of stress on myself. Things just pile up, and I schedule and organize and everything gets done. But it puts a lot of wear on me, I just don’t perceive the stress. It’s generally not until, as it was last term, I’m limping to class feeling as though my bones are on fire, and my professor…my professor sends me home from class to get rest that I even consider “You know, maybe I’m pushing myself a bit too hard.”

At the end of every term, I’m amazed at how I barely survived, and every term I add a little more to my workload.

I generally do a pretty good job of keeping up with myself, but lately, I’ve been feeling myself shift and move and change beneath me. I know I need to catch onto it, so I don’t look back at myself suddenly to find I’m a changed person, but I really am so busy. It’s tricky, too, because isn’t all this wonderful…torturous work I’m putting myself through supposed to be for bettering myself? And yet I’m so busy with *stuff* that I’m neglecting myself. Tricky!

Ultimately, this is what’s happened…
A lot of stuff is going on in my life right now, and through much organization and planning, I’ve managed to get it all balanced. Sure, it may be an overly tall, wonky, wobbly structure, but it’s balanced!

Then, today, as I was fine tuning the balanced structure of my life, a large, menacing, godzilla-like creature came stomping up in the form of a memo that said:
“Rhodes Scholarship! You should consider applying!”
Then the monster kicked over my structure, and stepped on me.

Now, I think applying for the Rhodes Scholarship would be an awesome thing to do. It’s just that, I *never* had considered it before, and it’s so much work! I am overwhelmed. O_o I’m going to talk to Sheldon tomorrow.


Every time I go to some big thing at Centre–a guest lecturer, a speech, a play of some sort–I always feel invigorated and yet slightly frustrated at the same time. There’s always some incredible insight, or some important message, and I feel wiser for the world. But at the same time, I am always frustrated that I can’t hunt down every person I’ve ever known offline/online/whatever in that exact moment, and drag them there and sit them down and say “You need to see this.” It frustrates me that I can barely convey the message, which is reinforced so much by the experience, which is lost on me all together. It’s not even enough to say “this is an awesome play, go see the movie,” because the experience is just not the same. I suppose it wouldn’t even be the same to drag friends from across the country, it’s more forceful to sit and watch people you know in love in a place where you live draw frighteningly realistic parallels and make you think. The physical presence provided by theater is enough to drive any wavering point straight home.

The Laramie Project was beautiful and intense. Jeff’s sleepless nights and the grueling work of the cast and crew paid off, and I believe it was a very important thing that happened on that stage. It made me think a lot–about hate, about people, about how we do important things in theater, about how we do important things in art. Overall, though, the biggest impact on me was the idea of community.

I’ve never been one to deny the fact that I live in a college bubble, and more often a smaller, more personal bubble. I always say “I live in Louisville, but go to school in Danville,” or sometimes even opt out of the town name and just say “Centre.” I need to realize that I live here, this is where I live, this is a community which I am part of, and I need to take responsibility for that.

There are things going on here that I found out about just last night, that I had *no* idea about. There are places I’ve never been, and my interaction with the people has been limited to say the most. So here’s Wertle’s message of the day:

Physical community is important. No matter how detached you feel from it, how different you are, how little you could care about what’s going on down the street, YOU are a part of your community. You need to find a facet where you can affect it, and you need to take responsibility, because you live there, you are a part of it, you have a chunk of it to uphold. So, off with you now! Go on, take a look outside your window and see what you can. Take a few steps outside the bounds of your campus and figure out where you live. It’s important.

As for me, I have a few goals to set for myself regarding my final year and a half at Centre…or rather, in Danville.

Happy Birthday!

Hooray for birthdays! Yup, today was my birthday, a very special February 2nd (and for the record, I did not see my shadow when I woke up this morning, so spring is on the way! Um…that’s right…isn’t it?)

I am now the big 2-1, but I don’t drink, so it’s not terribly exciting. In fact, out of all my birthdays, it’s the one I’ve wished would come and go as quickly as possible more than any other birthday, just so I could get the teasing over and done with.

My parents got me an interesting gift. It was a watch, which is a sort of “Oh, how nice” thing at first, but it was a watch with a lot of weight. The story…

I am horrible at losing and breaking watches, ever since my very first digital watch. I was always keen on digital watches, being on swim teams, they were very helpful. So, a majority of birthday presents from my parents have been new digital watches, which “I promise not to lose this time!” It was almost to the point where I expected it–a nice new clunky digital watch with velcro wristband (for easy attachment) and helpful timers.

This was a different watch. It was a very nice watch. It wasn’t a clunky, practical digital watch, but a very nice, sophisticated looking…grown-up watch. It struck a chord than rung deep and roused up many ponderings about myself.

My initial thoughts went to a conversation I’d been having with belladonnarosa regarding some artistic ability or another, and some comment about a final blessing from my fairy godmothers before they disappeared in the long sleep of adulthood (which, unfortunately, is poorly paraphrased. I always close IMs before I think to save them, always when there are important words inside).

I feel I’ve grown up in a lot of ways. There’s a lot inside of me I take for granted and that I fail to share, and that needs to change. I don’t mean that I haven’t been the real Lisa, I’ve been myself, it’s just that I haven’t been ALL of myself, especially around the people closest to me. It’s frustrating.

Brendan put it well to me once that I was grown up, it was growing *out* that I’m having trouble with. Does that make any sense?

At any rate, this term smells of change. I think it’s a good time to show my friends who I really am.

and damn it all to hell, I forgot to trace a radioactive symbol in the icing of my yellow cake >_< Blast!


Winter term is officially over! Let’s review the things I’ve learned in the past 3 weeks.

– I learned more about castable refractory than I think I’ll ever need in my life.
– I learned how to lay bricks
– I learned that, even though I’m unsure of my future profession, I’m sure that I do NOT want to be a mason
– I learned that wearing your respirator backwards on your head when you’re not using it could’ve sparked a fashion trend
– I learned that the suspicions I’ve had all these years are true: I cannot operate a bucket.

Now for break, my birthday, and spring term. Bring it!


This weekend, I’m staying in bed most of the day, under the watchful eye of the drama department. The drama department, in spite of the amount of drama that goes on within, is a good group of people, and perhaps the best at taking care of one another. Perhaps it’s just me, or perhaps it’s a running trend among art majors, but I tend to neglect myself at times.

So, for the past two or three weeks, I shrugged off my drama friends’ demands that I go to the wellness center, attributing consistent body pain to “just being sore” from glassblowing or some such, or maybe carrying one too many heavy things, who knows.

It wasn’t until yesterday, when my bones felt like they were on fire, that the drama department took action and forced me to go to the wellness center (Matthew told me that he was calling up Sheldon to say that if I showed up to painting class that day, I was to be sent directly to the student health center, and Jeff made sure I didn’t escape, and walked me over there. I went, got a check up, pulled out of my glass slot for the evening, and have since been watched over and mothered about by Brendan and D Flo and whomever else, to make sure I stay put and stay rested.

As such, I’m sitting and fretting about the work I should be getting done in the studio, but am getting some needed rest. I really think there should be a Drama Department to Art Department caretaker program, because I know *I* really have a tendency to shrug off potential threats of bodily harm. I don’t even realize how bad it is, until Brendan says “when you’re in too much pain to ride your bike there’s something wrong, and it’s not just lifting heavy things.” No wonder there are starving artists, we probably just shrug it off until it’s too late to do anything ^_^;;;

I suppose it works both ways, I tend to have a watchful motherly eye myself, just not for my own sake. Perhaps it’s the entire college environment, to need to take care of each other, so it doesn’t kill us all.

And so…

Well, it turns out that no kittens plummeted, though the comp sci kitten may have been bashed about a bit while being dragged back up. I talked to Dr. Shannon and she said that if I don’t turn in my lab on time, it’s not the end of the world. It’s fine, I guess, I’m doing well in that class, one poor lab grade won’t kill me.

To people entering college soon: Talk to your professors often.

In other news, I think the going-ons wore me a bit thin, and I was a little down today. Jeff was a great comfort, though, in my wonders about identity and social place. He told me that I have a better sense of myself than most everyone here, and that was a startling compliment to me. It gave me lots to think about and cheered me a bit. Go Electrician Solidarity!

It was also a cheer-up that Tommy ran around outside with me tonight(morning). The weather was beautiful, the first real autumn day stuck in after a long span of early winter.

All and all, I think I’ll survive the play next week.

Mariah is a wise wise girl, and I couldn’t help thinking about people I know and love when I read this little blurb by her (note, the second entry of the day). If anything, it’s something I’ll definitely look upon frequently when I start playing the relationship game, because I know I’ll have the potential to fall right into that trap…


*records the notes in her secret notebook and ponders them*