Tag Archives: changes

2005 Review

Year-end Review:

I must admit, 2005 started off pretty grim. I was unhappy up north and disappointed in theatre as a whole. I was miserable doing something I loved. After juggling over whether to stick it through or call it quits, I decided that it was the best course of action to end things at Long Wharf and head back home to initiate plan B, which meant ceasing the dating of Carleton as well. It was a hard time.

There were some highlights to ease the rough edges, though. A visiting trip to New York, ending my internship on a decently-run play, and confirming my adventure to Japan that would happen later in the year. My birthday was a pleasant one with the Coffrins, through which I acquired my GameCube, which has been a wonderful addition to my console repertoire.

My sacrifice for Lent of 2005 was irrational fear. Every time I felt the fear creeping in, I pushed through it and did whatever was causing it. This led to several good things, one of which was visiting Steph, and thus strengthening a friendship. I am very happy to know Steph better, and I hope to continue the trend!

The emotional blow of coming home from Connecticut was softened by welcoming arms of friends and family. The spring months were rough, though. I was job-hunting in addition to freelance web work, and anyone who’s ever been in the jobhunting phase knows how it can run you into the ground. I recall healing sleep at Brendan and Maria’s for not being able to sleep at my own home.

But there were plenty of good times to balance it all out. Playing Nobilis was a wonderful creative outlet. I got to foster mom two wonderfully loveable ratties. I started working with Will on ARG! Productions stuff. I strengthened small acquaintenceships into blossoming friendships, and got over timid fears to turn people into huggable buddies: Wheeler, Will, Ian, Yale.

The year swelled up to a high point with three events: Acquiring a job, going to visit Andrew in Japan, and moving out of the house into my own place. The Japan trip is like a dream now, and I still haven’t gotten all the pictures up from it. It was a magical place.

More lows and highs. Fish, my beloved pet, passed on that summer. On the other hand, there was much to be done with animating and learning and working on the JamJams trailer. Ken was back and Wheeler got to visit. Having an income through a job I enjoyed was a tremendous relief, but at the same time the mysterious illness crept in and took its toll on me.

Adventuring to Atlanta to play with new friends, discovering my knack for cooking, Tuesday night basketball, visits from D Flo–all wonderful. Weird emotional burdens, the loss of Mr. Laguna—not so much.

The year ended off in the best possible way. Christmastime was refreshing, especially among friends. New Year’s itself was a positive time–I got to spend time with the people I love the most, and we rang in the new year with Guillotine, The Great Dalmuti, Donkey Konga, Mario Party, and Munchkin. I am so very blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.

It has been up and down, yes? But I try so very hard to be grateful for the wonderful things I have. There continues to be things inside of me that I have to work out, but perhaps this year I will stop being a dragon who thinks she is a rabbit, because the rabbit hole is too small.

Year of the dog, that’s my year!

Don’t count your chickens…..okay now you can

I’m always very careful about the chicken counting. Whenever I get excited about some new, shiny, potential egg, I always rein myself back with “NO COUNTING CHICKENS YET!” or the like. I am very careful.

However, now my chickens have hatched. All of them, right there in a row. And I just sort of stare at them with a muted, melancholy sort of gaze, perhaps mumbling, “wha?”

Meanwhile, the chickens are standing there, crossing their stubby just-hatched wings, and tapping their little chicken toes, and saying, “um, HELLO?? You can count us now! Any freakin DAY NOW!!”

So, here they are, one, two, three…

I officially have a job. A real job. A grown-up job. Starts middle of June.

I officially have an apartment. A nice apartment. Move in middle of June.

My Japan trip is totally planned. I have tickets to Chicago and then out to Japan, a hotel to stay in in Chicago, and enough money to do more than merely survive over there.


I should be having Dance Party 2005 right now. I have no right to be sad about ANYTHING.




Graduation is over, I am no longer a college student. Actually, I am no longer a student, period. This will take some getting used to (probably won’t realize it until the fall when I don’t go back to school).

Having Carleton around during the time of pre-graduation chaos was wonderful, and having him around during post-graduation relaxation is even better. I feel very inspired to do the cleaning, unpacking, stuff-purging bit.

So much to do, but now I have so much motivation to do it! It will surely take me a week alone to unpack and clean and get organized, but that won’t be without regular resting and visiting breaks (Dave, Ken, and Brendan, prepare thyselves!)

I think the summer will be good.

In other news, D Flo and I are the masters of Taboo (mogui! mogui!)