Who is good with the identifying of the reptiles, mm?
Tag Archives: adventures
Old pictures
Cleaning my room never works. I always find something to distract me, and in this case it was my stack of photo albums. I really haven’t been taking enough pictures lately.
I plucked out some of my very favorite pictures I’d taken to share with the world. They are all old, though, so chances are you’ve seen them before. But still.
Working at the LSC was probably the first place I learned that hugs fix everything. Even grumpy ‘ole Howie the Humpback Whale can’t really resist. Thanks for everything, Marsh!
The 2000 Vice Presidential Debates at Centre turned the entire student body into raging savages. No, really.
A sign in Wales. I thought the stinky lines coming off the poo were a particularly nice detail, just as an explanation, you know. So many people see signs and wonder, “Why? WHY no fouling??”
One day, me and Jen were hiking, when we stumbled upon a near-disaster! Jen, because she is a good-hearted superhero, threw down her bag and rushed to take care of the situation. To this day she keeps the forest safe from imminent smooshing. Good ‘ole Jen.
No story, really, I just like this one.
I could have included a gallery of SETC pictures from that one year, but this one is nice enough. Hooray for cuddle puddles.
Okay, that’s enough of that. My room will never be clean!
Who, me?
Gabbard posted pictures from the TMBG concert, check out the broken floor! We are so hard core.
I usually grumble at myself and post apologies for doing memes. However, I do this one all the time on other people’s journals, it’s high time I started giving out strokes,
Reply with a message and I’ll tell you something I adore about you. (this is generally followed up by a demand to do the same in your own journal, but I don’t like to be pushy)
Man it’s so loud in here
TMBG ROCKED HARD CORE! At first, we were worried. Centre, while starting to drag in cool bands for Carnival, still does an absolutely craptacular job of advertising them. So the crowd was rather small. We seated in the orchestra were worried, we did not want the Giants to be sad that there was a small group. So, we all vowed to be the most energetic, enthusiastic crowd possible, sending lots of love and energy.
When the band came on, they invited us to come right up to the small area of the pit which was right against the stage and did not have seats, so of course we all rushed up. I was lucky enough to be right against the stage. John looked at mee!! *swoon* (both of them! *double swoon*).
Anyway, we rocked hard core. Like HARD core. And then, something happened, something that my Centre friends who were absent from the concert will enjoy…
We rocked so hard that…
(wait for it)
We rocked SO HARD..
We rocked out so hard that we BROKE THE PIT. That’s right! All our bouncing and dancing and pogo-ing was just too much for it, and it split RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE. The right half of the pit sunk three inches lower than the left half, and the bouncing continued, and it got REALLY wobbly.
Having worked road shows at Centre before, I knew how far of a drop that would be if the pit suddenly gave way, so I took to desperately clutching the edge of the stage. Fortunately, the bracing held, and we continued to rock.
And it was awesome. Gabbard should have pictures of the damage up soon.
Junior High Education
From Denali, as we were both discussing our disappointment with Girl Scouts in our youth, because we thought that it was supposed to be like Boy Scouts only for girls…
“Jr. High’s science class made up for it, though. Alaska being Alaska, a year of science class was dedicated to wilderness survival. They taught us everything from different ways of building a fire, how to turn your pants into a floatation device if you end up in the ocean, how to make fire-starter sticks, signaling aircraft and rescue boats, what’s edible and what isn’t, etc. This training concluded with an optional survival trip. They put us on an island for three days and we had to pack everything we thought we would need to survive with into a three-pound coffee can… and that included our shelter. We were allowed to carry sleeping bags, though!”
No fair! I want to learn how to do all that stuff. I haven’t even been camping since freshman year of college.
Massachusetts Visit
I just got back from a weekend visit with Steph and it was a blast and a half! Or no, make that 2 whole blasts.
After a tasty lunch, we went to this awesome candy store. You can pick out your own assorted chocolates, so it’s like getting a box of chocolates, only just with the kinds you like, and no scary surprises. I also got a sucker in the shape of a lobster (don’t worry, it was not lobster flavored)
Steph showed me around Salem, MA, and we went to some dinky-but-fun history museums about the witch trials. We also hit up a comic store, where I *finally* indulged myself in snagging the last volume of Bone, only to see the new color reprints! Now I want the whole set all over again. We also rooted through a secondhand bookstore, snagging children’s books with inspiring illustrations out of the 50% off box.
We spent the rest of the evening playing various video games, with a brief break for sushi. After a bit of gaming the next morning, we went out for lunch, and then adventured on the shore (we did not find any critters, only a shoe-full of cold water, oh well!)
I’m really glad I got to visit! It was good fun, and I also got to see a bunch of Steph’s art up close, including her in-progress raven thief sculpture. I also got to meet her sweet little rat, Oreo, who is adorable and has inspired me to add rats to my “potential pets” list Yay for visits!
I’m A-comin’
I just bought my plane tickets to Japan for May…
I could talk about Singing Forest right now, but I don’t think I’m ready to talk about that yet, so instead I’ll give a simple weekend review.
I went with Carleton to New York to visit his friend, Mike. I hadn’t been to the city since the 6th grade, and that trip mostly involved me scurrying to keep up with my dad and uncle, occasionally gazing at the tall buildings because that’s what I figured tourists were supposed to do.
It was a nice train ride from Milford (which is just near where I work, and has free parking on the weekends for their station, woo!). Mike’s apartment is in the Upper West side of Manhattan and is quite nice. Friday night we went to the planetarium for some music-and-show-off-computer-rendering deal. ‘Twas nice.
The next day we went to get bagels, at some place that Carleton spouts is the best bagel place in the WORLD!!! (Just tasted like normal bagels to me, perhaps my palette for bagels is just not sophisticated). The main mission of the day was to help Mike buy a betta. I wish I’d brought my camera so I can add Rocky’s picture to the growing list of “Friend’s Bettas”.
That night we went and saw Carleton’s Cousin play a set at some club/bar place. His music is very good, and we’d seen him play at a coffee shop in CT last weekend. This time he was with a band, and it was a very lively set.
We then retired to Mike’s apartment and watched City of God, a very powerful and awesome movie. Mike’s mom is from Brazil, and used to teach in the City of God, and apparently said that the movie is quite accurate as far as how things are there. The individual story is very uplifting, but the truthfulness of the situation is rather depressing.
Overall, a very nice visit. It’s much more pleasant to visit the city when you are with people who know how to get around.
Rudolph with your nose so bright…
So, I figured as long as I’m on this Hero’s Journey, I might as well consult an Oracle. Delphi was a bit too far away, so I settled for a Christmas-themed flower supply store in Wallingford where–after venturing through a “Winter Wonderland” of frightening yet festive robots–one could enter the private chambers of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. As I went in with my props-mates, Rudolph offered us a clicking, jerking, animatronic greeting. We chatted with the beast, and he sang Happy Birthday to one of my co-workers, all the while rolling his vacantly-painted eyes in a creepy, robotic fashion. Finally, I asked the Ora…I mean Rudolph to tell my fortune*, and he told me, “You will wake up happy.”
Satisfied with my consultation, I went looking for a cyclops, or perhaps a hydra, figuring that’s my next course of action. There weren’t any at the park.
*For a moment, I thought about asking why Bono counts “1, 2, 3, 14” in that U2 song. I mean, that’s a pretty big leap from 3 to 14. I’ll save that question for another Oracle, I guess
Fundraiser: Week 2, and other stuff
Hey all, it is week 2 of my fundraiser, the random prize is two dragon tumblers.
The random number is: 11
Other fundraiser details here