1) Free Thing in LA Every Month. Since my parents were in town in July, we went down to El Pueblo and then on to Little Tokyo where a music and arts festival was going on. It mostly made me hungry for Japan, but was a nice walk, and I’d never been down near MOCA before to see all that artsy stuff, so it worked out well. The rest of July was filled with non-free events (NASL and MLG).
For August, I was thinking of hitting up the Griffith Park Free Shakespeare Festival, because my parents’ visit made me homesick and it reminds me of Shakespeare in the Park in Louisville. I’m thinking of trying to catch either Love’s Labour’s Lost or Hamlet, either the weekend of the 13th or the 20th. If you want to come have a picnic with me, let me know!
2) Games. I have actually been playing a TON of games recently, but a lot of it has been research for work, so I don’t think it counts for this goal. Other than that, I’ve been enjoying Outland immensely. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s a really fast and snappy platformer combined with color-switching bullet hell (like Ikaruga). Unlike Ikaruga, though, the platforming aspect of it lets you pace yourself, and learn more slowly, so you get less panicky and spammy.
The other game I’ve been playing a lot for fun is Sanctum, which is a first-person-shooter tower defense game. I really like the solutions they came up with for constructing defenses in a first person view. It’s also a very mild shooter, since once the defense starts, you usually just teleport to various locations in your map, and shoot from a stationary position. Running and gunning is entirely optional.
Meanwhile, there were a few re-releases (other than Stranger’s Wrath) that I was looking forward to, but I’ve completely forgotten which ones they were now, doh! I guess when they pop up in the PSN store, I will remember 🙂