1) Free thing in LA every month: I went down to the Fiesta de las Flores at El Pueblo today, ate 2 churros (probably a mistake), watched some folkloric dances, wandered up and down Olvera Street, and took lots of photos – https://picasaweb.google.com/lisa.deanne.brown/FiestaDeLasFlores
This place is really one of my favorite spots in LA, I love it! So, free thing for June checked off, though I MAY consider going down to my CSA farm next weekend to pick blackberries. Only if I can get some folks to go with me, though.
Thinking ahead to July…
– FIFA Women’s World Cup. The Goethe-Institut is broadcasting select matches for this, and I’m considering wrangling up the Insomniac soccer crowd to go watch together. Matches run from 6/26 to 7/17, so it’s a little flexible. http://bit.ly/jZKpwW
– Obon Festival at the Buddhist Temple in Little Tokyo. I am a big fan of these cultural festivals, may as well add another to the list! http://bit.ly/iBcoMO
2) Video Games: More LA Noire. Now that PSN is back up, I can get Outland, but I have to get around to it.
3) Financial: I’ve been having little mini stuff-sales that bring in bits of cash and help me de-clutter. It helps that I’m in another “stuff purge” mode. Otherwise, just plugging along!