Well, there’s a first time for everything, I guess…
Wertle glass for sale! Yay!
On an unrelated note, my great-grandmother turns 100 tomorrow. Happy birthday Meme!
Well, there’s a first time for everything, I guess…
Wertle glass for sale! Yay!
On an unrelated note, my great-grandmother turns 100 tomorrow. Happy birthday Meme!
Spring Term has begun! It was a little intimidating to start the term, I didn’t feel ready (in spite of how much I had prepared). Part of that was because I had to leave my computer home for a few days to get some things fixed. A few measly days and I’m freaking out! How dependent I have become on the thing x_x
I am, in fact, sitting in the little lounge place in Olin, checking email and stuff. I just had my first Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science class. Should be interesting, and should force me to keep on my toes. I suppose I need that. It is also the “Class Full of People I’ve Known Since Freshman Year but Have Never Had Class With Before.” Yes, the class consists of me, Brendan, Darren, Buddah, Woody, Zaid, Yuliya and others. Part of it is fun, I actually get to have a class with a bunch of friends and acquaintances, but in a way it is somewhat intimidating.
I’m going to dawdle around here and get some work done before lunch. My schedule is befuddling me this term, because my day is all chopped up. Usually I have at least two or three of my classes all bunched together, but this term there are many pockets of free time. It could be a good thing, and force me to stay put and do work, as opposed to me wandering off to my room and being a slacker.
Lunch at 11, then Discrete Math, then Computer Organization. Whoa, I think this is the first term ever where I’ve had an entire day with no art classes. Before there was always painting, glass, or art history O.o Glass tomorrow. I’ll hopefully have my computer back on Friday.
Hooray for birthdays! Yup, today was my birthday, a very special February 2nd (and for the record, I did not see my shadow when I woke up this morning, so spring is on the way! Um…that’s right…isn’t it?)
I am now the big 2-1, but I don’t drink, so it’s not terribly exciting. In fact, out of all my birthdays, it’s the one I’ve wished would come and go as quickly as possible more than any other birthday, just so I could get the teasing over and done with.
My parents got me an interesting gift. It was a watch, which is a sort of “Oh, how nice” thing at first, but it was a watch with a lot of weight. The story…
I am horrible at losing and breaking watches, ever since my very first digital watch. I was always keen on digital watches, being on swim teams, they were very helpful. So, a majority of birthday presents from my parents have been new digital watches, which “I promise not to lose this time!” It was almost to the point where I expected it–a nice new clunky digital watch with velcro wristband (for easy attachment) and helpful timers.
This was a different watch. It was a very nice watch. It wasn’t a clunky, practical digital watch, but a very nice, sophisticated looking…grown-up watch. It struck a chord than rung deep and roused up many ponderings about myself.
My initial thoughts went to a conversation I’d been having with belladonnarosa regarding some artistic ability or another, and some comment about a final blessing from my fairy godmothers before they disappeared in the long sleep of adulthood (which, unfortunately, is poorly paraphrased. I always close IMs before I think to save them, always when there are important words inside).
I feel I’ve grown up in a lot of ways. There’s a lot inside of me I take for granted and that I fail to share, and that needs to change. I don’t mean that I haven’t been the real Lisa, I’ve been myself, it’s just that I haven’t been ALL of myself, especially around the people closest to me. It’s frustrating.
Brendan put it well to me once that I was grown up, it was growing *out* that I’m having trouble with. Does that make any sense?
At any rate, this term smells of change. I think it’s a good time to show my friends who I really am.
and damn it all to hell, I forgot to trace a radioactive symbol in the icing of my yellow cake >_< Blast!
I posted this around on some boards, but I figured I’d ask opinions here as well.
In preparation for the upcoming term, in which I’ll be needing to scrounge money as best I can, and I humored the idea of perhaps selling some art online.
I checked around here and there. On ebay, glass art seems to go pretty well, but i’m still unsure about the whole thing. What do you guys think? Should I try an auction and see how it goes? Are there other auction sites I should look into? Any advice from people who already sell art online?
There is a student art show here, which I can probably make a bit of cash from, and I’m going to a convention this summer where my glass sold pretty well last year (but I’m going to be needing money before then).
Thoughts? Comments? Ideas?
Tomorrow I pack up to go home for the remainder of my break. I had a good time overall, though people were a lot busier than I had anticipated. Still, time with friends with no pressure is always nice. I hung out with Eric quite a bit, which was fun, since I’ve never really hung out with him much before. The same with Jeff, and we had dinner, woo!
Tonight, Brendan and Ken surprised me with a birthday cake and present. D Flo and Eric were there, and we had a nice little birthday extravaganza. Berea and little Sylvie came to visit (though Sylvie is much bigger now). And we rounded up the evening with some Halo and other games.
I was stomping in Halo on this particular night, so much so that some good-natured insults were exchanged, and I ended up attacking Flora. He used the opportunity to start a new game while my controller was out of reach, intending to blast me while I lay helpless. However, through some trick of fate (which D Flo blames on me being an apparent voodoo practitioner), he rolled onto my controller, and my character ended up wasting him for the first kill of the game. Muahaha!
‘Twas a very restful break, and I intend to use my time at home to prepare for the busy term ahead. I need to work on my resume for SETC, and an essay to apply for a scholarship for a glass class at Corning this summer. I’m also kitten-sitting for my brother this weekend (and I intend to take photos).
Winter term is officially over! Let’s review the things I’ve learned in the past 3 weeks.
– I learned more about castable refractory than I think I’ll ever need in my life.
– I learned how to lay bricks
– I learned that, even though I’m unsure of my future profession, I’m sure that I do NOT want to be a mason
– I learned that wearing your respirator backwards on your head when you’re not using it could’ve sparked a fashion trend
– I learned that the suspicions I’ve had all these years are true: I cannot operate a bucket.
Now for break, my birthday, and spring term. Bring it!
Ah, today is the last day of winter term, and oh what a term it’s been. Yesterday was a bit dull at first, as everyone was busy busy busy finishing papers and projects and whatnot. Eric and I pulled some ninja fun, though (by Eric I mean Eric Abele, not my brother. In fact from henceforth, I will refer to the former as “Eric” and the latter as “my brother,” even though my brother should technically get name rights, it’s easier to say “my brother” than “my friend Eric who is not my brother”).
We knew the film class kids were editing their horror movie over in the design studio, so we made an elaborate plan for scaring them, which involved us sneaking around Grant with no shoes on and banging doors and stuff. Unfortunately, there were a lot of people up there working, so all our subtle spooky-noise-making was in vain. We even crept right into the Black Box, the small theater directly attached to the design studio, and opened the door all creepy-like, but no one even noticed!
However, we were successful in the end, by hiding in the little tech room attached to the black box and jiggling the door handle when poor Tater walked by. Eventually, Alison came in wielding a sword and we jumped out and scared her and there was laughing and Tater throwing stuff at us. Eric and I are master scary-folk.
We actually ended up feeling kinda bad for Tater afterwards, it seemed she’d been freaking out a lot that weekend while they filmed their movie. And I can completely understand, the Norton Center is scaryashell at night, and of course they picked all the scariest places for their movie…the creepy hallways and their lack of 90ยบ angles, the shop, Newlin (the big theater), and the catwalk. Yeek! I need to get some pictures of the place.
At any rate, we accompanied them for a bit, ate some pizza, then left them to their work. I wasn’t quite tired yet, so I revised Strother’s paper for him. It’s been awhile since I revised a paper, but I did a thorough job. I felt bad, though, leaving him with so much work to do O.o…
Strother’s away message: Lisa if you see this I worked until 5 with only one break. I better get an A or I’m coming to get you.
>_< Oh well, I'm off to my "final." Steve is bringing us doughnuts, yay!
Yesterday I woke up with a sore throat, an icky stomach, achey wrists, and had to go do furnace stuff. The fates were against me, I’m convinced they were trying to foil my Halo skills for that evening. A video game tournament was thrown together last minute, and Halo was involved, so the Rodes 2 gang was very excited.
It was very fun, all in all. We did suffer some setbacks, with Ken (kenmoore) in Italy and D Flo home for his birthday, we were short some of our best players. Buddah joined us, along with some other dude who’s name I can’t remember but whose handle was “Poo” and was very very good. However, the SAE (E in this case standing for Epsilon) team proved more organized and used to group team play. Even though they won in the end, the games were very close, and I will be excited to tell Ken that we stomped them the first round, with me coming in first above everyone else, even the notorious Grey Munford (I swear, between this and the Student Film Festival, that boy is fast becoming my arch rival). That was before my wrists started going numb, though x_x
Overall, I think it was fun, and I would be happy to have an ongoing Halo battle between the SAEs and Rodes 2 (even though 3 of the 5 members of the Rodes 2 Halo Krew do not actually reside in Rodes 2, and 2 of them aren’t even in Rodes at all).
In other news, Brendan is having a contest on his forums, and everyone should participate, even if they don’t know Brendan. Why? Because it’s a caption contest for a picture of me! Go here and play…
I watched Stomp again last night from the catwalk, it was still just as envigorating. The sound collects rather well up in the catwalk, and the view was spectacular. I even went backstage early for the encore, it’s even *more* amazing when they’re 10 feet away. I’m jealous of Squirt, she got to work the show on props (meaning she got to toss them brooms and things onstage if one of theirs should break).
Load-out went well. There is a strange phenomenon concerning roadshow load-outs…whenever Katie Stubblefield and I are in the same proximity, we ALWAYS end up coiling cable. It’s some strange trick of fate. Anyway, I loved the Stomp electricians, they were all very friendly.
The load-out itself went surprisingly fast, and we were out by midnight (usually load-outs don’t end until 1 or 2 in the morning), and yesterday was Midnight Movie night (in which the college kids get to go watch movies at the local theater for free. We decided to be hard core and go, since D Flo hadn’t seen the second Lord of the Rings yet. So, D Flo, Tater, Eric, and myself drove out to the theater as the previews just drew to a close.
The idea didn’t work so well. Three of us had just finished a load-out, so the adrenaline quickly wore off. By the treck to Helmsdeep we were all nodding off. Originally, we were struggling to stay awake for Flora, since he’d never seen it, but even *he* was slipping away. Ultimately, we decided to savor what was left of the day’s strength and went back home.
I can now officially say I’ve seen The Two Towers 2 1/2 times. x_x
Monday I got a break from the manual labor of building the furnace to instead take part in the manual labor of the prehang for Stomp. I love working in electrics, and I loved having a separate day for hanging the lights. It was much more lightly paced, and I didn’t have to worry about tripping over the carpenters.
I was plotting to sneak up to the catwalk to watch the show, since both nights were sold out before break even started (curse my procrastination). However, a nice girl in my furnace class gave me her ticket, because she was unable to go. It was still as amazing and energizing as when I’d first seen it several years ago with my mother, and I still plan on sneaking up to the catwalk tomorrow night to catch another show ^_^
Of course, tomorrow in the dining hall there’s bound to be a slurry of rhythmic playfulness from table to table. It’s addictive. If anyone *hasn’t* seen Stomp, I highly recommend it.
In other news, we were informed by Steve on Monday morning that our furnace building class was also on a volleyball team (much to our surprise). It seems that Steve suggested the idea of class intramural volleyball for the winter term, and “couldn’t just suggest the idea and not sign up.” At first, we were a little miffed about being “volunteered” to have a team, but that soon wore off.
Our first game was that night, and we won! Sort of…Dr. Miles’ team didn’t accumulate enough players. We played a game for fun, though, and it *was* fun. Surprisingly, too, because I am horrible at volleyball. Next game tomorrow night! Then the load out for Stomp. A busy week already.