Internets, I need your help! I require input for decision-making.
Do I…
1) Go to Gamestop tonight to pick up my pre-ordered copy of WotLK and see all the fun costumed people and bask in the camaraderie of nerd-ism and have fun and a party.
2) Go to freakin bed and pick up WotLK tomorrow because I’m tired as hell and I won’t install it tonight anyway.
Edit: After handing over my decision to the coin of fate, I went along. It was quite well organized and they gave us free pizza! No one dressed up in crazy costumes though. I still haven’t installed it, as I went to bed immediately upon my return.
if you aren’t going to install and play it tonight, then just go to bed…i probably won’t be able to get and/or install, much less play, my copy until friday or even saturday…….alas!
Sleepy Lisa = Bad Lisa
3) Don’t buy it!!!
Anyway, what did you end up doing, since it’s the next day?
(1) don’t miss an event which will never happen again.
4) Cancel your WOW account and put the $30/month into a Roth IRA. You’ll be a millionaire by the time you’re 92!
I already have a Roth IRA!
Ah, but do you put $30 a month into it? And if so, you could cancel your WOW account and put in a total of $60 a month! And if you can give up eating, you could put in even more! Why? Cuz Dave Ramsey says so!