Back from the Gather

Back from the Con! I posted a review over on the Gather Journal if anyone’s interested. It was fun times, I met cool people and had fun. Art sales were very slow this year all across the board, and not much went to auction at all. It was disappointing, but oh well, I did sell a few things (my sculpey dragons and mask) and I got lots of compliments and “bring this to the show next year when I have money and I’ll totally buy it” comments, so oh well. Hopefully things will bounce back next year.

I also met a guy (well, re-met, he’s been at that con every year) and found out he did glassblowing at Illinois State in Che Rhodes’ program, small world and all that.

I also get to now reveal the commission I’d been working on this summer, which I had to keep secret because it was commissioned to give to one of the guests at the Con as a gift:

It’s a long story, but I’m proud of the drawing. It’s watercolor, colored pencil, ink and a bit of acrylic.

Anyway, I only have like a week before I leave for Connecticut, it’s getting exciting and scary. I now have such mundane goals as getting my room clean and packing, both of which will be considerable chores in their own right.

2 thoughts on “Back from the Gather”

  1. OMG Fenton! Was Tom Smith a guest this year??

    I hope with moving to KY I can make it to Conglomeration next year. Any chance of you going next year?

    1. Yup yup! Tom Smith was one of the guests of honor (it was Scott who commissioned me to do that drawing for him).

      I plan on being at Conglomeration next year, if you want to you can come and join our annual Gather. It started out as just an gather, but this year we combined it with a local furmeet, and I think it might end up turning into a general dragon fan/fur/otherkin/whoever wants to come meetup.

      Here’s the website I keep for the Gather if you are interested:

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