I spent the other day doing work in the art barn, and so wore my steel-toed boots as I always do, just in case, to protect my toes from dropping heavy things upon them.
Back in my room, I was taking the steel-toed boots off, and I DROPPED ONE ON MY TOE. Is that not the most perfect irony?
It’s almost as bad as how I injured my neck yesterday giving someone a hug >_<
Ouch! Of course, with a little less carbon, those boots would have been even more iron-ic. :: ducks thrown tomatoes ::
Re: page updates
Congratulations on successful eBaying! And your new haricut is quite good – as Mariah put it, cute and kind of Amelie-ish. 🙂
:: mischeviously sets the family computer wallpaper to the Gollum picture :: bwahahaha…
Thanks much! The short hair is weird, but I think I will get used to it. It’ll just be a hassle revising the cartoon version of myself, doh! >_<
Thanks on the auction thing too, I was thrilled that it sold! I put the fish up next,hehehe.