And now, a brief overview of my favorite beats from this year’s Project Horseshoe.
1. Things were already looking up on the trip to the conference at our layover in Las Vegas. I put $1 into a slot for funsies, and after a long interval of incomprehensible flashing lights, I got $15 back. This was used to purchase a victory sandwich.
2. We played Two-Truths-And-A-Lie and I managed to fool someone into thinking I had been a magician instead of a synchronized swimmer at one time in my life (the other truth was Glassblower).
3. Had wonderful conversations the first evening, which sparked that first insight about spontaneous shared experiences.
4. Next morning at breakfast, had folks play a prototype I’ve been working on and got a pile of wonderfully helpful feedback
5. Pitched the spontaneous shared experiences idea for a workgroup topic the next day and it got chosen! Many interesting conversations followed!
6. Topped the evening off with many exciting rounds of Artemis. My favorite job is Comms, where I constantly pester the Science officer for the latest gossip concerning enemy ship captains, such that I may insult them more effectively.
7. Did field research with my workgroup the next day, which involved trolling another workgroup with a cow puppet on a stick.
8. Epic potato gun battle at lunch! (no no no, this kind of potato gun, not the dangerous kind)
9. Delightful workgroup presentations that night, mine may or may not have involved a “spontaneous” appearance by G.O.B. Bluth.
10. Had the most epic stories that night playing Once Upon a Time. I love that game SO MUCH!
11. After discovering a potato in the hood of my jacket, I took revenge on the wrong person. Whoops.
Tl;dr: A good time was had by all! The only downside is a case of classic con crud. I blame the communal M&M jar.