The Camel’s back

The first weekend of spring term was surprisingly productive for me. I think I have discovered the secret for me not being a slacker–stay in the building in which the classes take place for which I must do my homework. Saturday morning I went to the art barn to shoot slides of some of my glass, and Steve asked if I could stay that afternoon and charge the furnace every half hour or so. I agreed, and actually got a lot of work on my casting project done.

Auditions for Chalk Circle are today, and I’m faced with a tedious decision. I’m already involved in the play, in that I’m going to help Katherine make masks, which should be awesome fun. I really want to do electrics as well, but judging how busy I’m going to be based on this weekend (and the glass slots haven’t even started yet!), I fear that would be the breaking straw. I certainly couldn’t sacrifice a large enough chunk of time to be light board op again, but I would still like to be an electrician. I’d even have tech weekend taken care of, as I don’t plan on picking up glass slots on Fridays or Saturdays, and the studio is closed on Sundays.

Still, I have a gnawing fear that it might be a bit too much for me. I don’t want to hurt myself, and I still have the big Decision-Making-March to contend with. And besides, there are tons of road shows this term, so I’ll get my electrician fix in regardless. I’ll wrestle with the idea a bit and decide by this afternoon I suppose.

Glass auction

Well, there’s a first time for everything, I guess…

Wertle glass for sale! Yay!

On an unrelated note, my great-grandmother turns 100 tomorrow. Happy birthday Meme!


Spring Term has begun! It was a little intimidating to start the term, I didn’t feel ready (in spite of how much I had prepared). Part of that was because I had to leave my computer home for a few days to get some things fixed. A few measly days and I’m freaking out! How dependent I have become on the thing x_x

I am, in fact, sitting in the little lounge place in Olin, checking email and stuff. I just had my first Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science class. Should be interesting, and should force me to keep on my toes. I suppose I need that. It is also the “Class Full of People I’ve Known Since Freshman Year but Have Never Had Class With Before.” Yes, the class consists of me, Brendan, Darren, Buddah, Woody, Zaid, Yuliya and others. Part of it is fun, I actually get to have a class with a bunch of friends and acquaintances, but in a way it is somewhat intimidating.

I’m going to dawdle around here and get some work done before lunch. My schedule is befuddling me this term, because my day is all chopped up. Usually I have at least two or three of my classes all bunched together, but this term there are many pockets of free time. It could be a good thing, and force me to stay put and do work, as opposed to me wandering off to my room and being a slacker.

Lunch at 11, then Discrete Math, then Computer Organization. Whoa, I think this is the first term ever where I’ve had an entire day with no art classes. Before there was always painting, glass, or art history O.o Glass tomorrow. I’ll hopefully have my computer back on Friday.

Happy Birthday!

Hooray for birthdays! Yup, today was my birthday, a very special February 2nd (and for the record, I did not see my shadow when I woke up this morning, so spring is on the way! Um…that’s right…isn’t it?)

I am now the big 2-1, but I don’t drink, so it’s not terribly exciting. In fact, out of all my birthdays, it’s the one I’ve wished would come and go as quickly as possible more than any other birthday, just so I could get the teasing over and done with.

My parents got me an interesting gift. It was a watch, which is a sort of “Oh, how nice” thing at first, but it was a watch with a lot of weight. The story…

I am horrible at losing and breaking watches, ever since my very first digital watch. I was always keen on digital watches, being on swim teams, they were very helpful. So, a majority of birthday presents from my parents have been new digital watches, which “I promise not to lose this time!” It was almost to the point where I expected it–a nice new clunky digital watch with velcro wristband (for easy attachment) and helpful timers.

This was a different watch. It was a very nice watch. It wasn’t a clunky, practical digital watch, but a very nice, sophisticated looking…grown-up watch. It struck a chord than rung deep and roused up many ponderings about myself.

My initial thoughts went to a conversation I’d been having with belladonnarosa regarding some artistic ability or another, and some comment about a final blessing from my fairy godmothers before they disappeared in the long sleep of adulthood (which, unfortunately, is poorly paraphrased. I always close IMs before I think to save them, always when there are important words inside).

I feel I’ve grown up in a lot of ways. There’s a lot inside of me I take for granted and that I fail to share, and that needs to change. I don’t mean that I haven’t been the real Lisa, I’ve been myself, it’s just that I haven’t been ALL of myself, especially around the people closest to me. It’s frustrating.

Brendan put it well to me once that I was grown up, it was growing *out* that I’m having trouble with. Does that make any sense?

At any rate, this term smells of change. I think it’s a good time to show my friends who I really am.

and damn it all to hell, I forgot to trace a radioactive symbol in the icing of my yellow cake >_< Blast!